STUNNING BETRAYAL! How Many Times did Zionist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Ride on Epstein’s Lolita Express?


from State Of The Nation:

Because, many of us Baby Boomers grew up imprinted with the original aspirations, hopes and ideals exemplified by both JFK and RFK, what their children do today in the political realm gets our attention.
So, to see RFK, Jr. profoundly betray the memory and awesome sacrifice of his own father, his two uncles, and his cousin is shocking to the extreme.  For all of those Kennedy sons were assassinated by the very same Zionist entity that now brazenly commits genocide of Palestinians in preparation of Israel’s long-planned Gaza land grab.
Particularly in view of Kennedy’s long-time project known as Children’s Health Defense, his complete abandonment of Palestinian children is totally indefensible.  Not only that, but this entire sordid affair smacks of something much more sinister going on in the background which is addressed in the following exposé.

KEY POINTS: Every royal family, going back millennia, has been targeted by the banksters since their shekel accumulation is greatly impacted by the rulings of the king and/or queen.  The court Jew is well known throughout history for quite stealthily taking over the kingdom by way of marrying into the royal families; and through their constant manipulation of the court to acquire more power and wealth by the day.  Well, present-day America is no exception.  In point of fact, the entire Kennedy family has been the victim of this time-tested Khazarian stratagem since Joe Kennedy, Sr. first spoke about his plans to put his eldest son Joe, Jr. in the White House.  A perfect example of how the Kennedy family has been methodically infiltrated in this devious manner is the case of Caroline Kennedy who was married off to the dutifully bar mitzvahed Edwin Schlossberg.  And, just watch the positions that Caroline has taken on every single disastrous policy made by POTUS imposter Joe Biden to understand the true depth and breadth of her betrayal as well.  Very sad indeed.

Bottom Line: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. cannot be trusted  in anyway going forward, especially after any association with primo Khazarian blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein.  Now read on to understand why he may be the most dangerous 2024 candidate of all.

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