Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s removal of Bishop Strickland is a cowardly form of authoritarianism


by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSite News:

To remain silent and endure this umpteenth violation of the most basic principles of justice and truth is to make oneself complicit with a subverter.

The removal of His Excellency Bishop Joseph Strickland, especially after the failure to ambush him with the Apostolic Visitation, appears as a cowardly form of authoritarianism, which in no way fits with Bergoglio’s rants about “welcoming” and “inclusiveness.”


Seeing the sacrilegious and perverted Marco Rupnik incardinated in the Diocese of Capodistria, or Bishop Michael Olson still in office despite the petition of the faithful of Fort Worth following his abuses and scandalous behavior with the Carmelite Sisters of Arlington, while one of the few faithful Bishops is persecuted and kicked out for no reason shows us in all its arrogance the tyranny of the Argentine Jesuit.

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