Higher Ed: Now it’s Just Loco


by Clarice Feldman, American Thinker:

Decades ago, higher education was held to a standard of legal responsibility for the welfare of its students. The Latin term in loco parentis (in place of parents) gave them the right and duty to act as parents would. In recent decades, a better description of the how they manage their responsibilities to all students in their care is just plain loco.

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David Burge explains:


The idea that virulent antisemitism on campus is some kind of shocking unforeseen phenomenon that suddenly appeared out of nowhere in October 2023 is f***ing willful blindness. Every “elite” university in the US has spent 40 years creating sinecures and chairs and entire departments for Jew-hate-peddling lunatics, and for the last 20 years panhandled donations from every lunatic oil sheikhdom to pay for them.

So, college presidents and deans can spare me the shock when some of their edgy pity-hire faculty members chant support for Hamas into a bullhorn. You dumb f***ers knew full well what they were all about when you hired them in the first place, it was all there in their curriculum….

Hamas filmed and published with glee many of its barbarous atrocities in Israel. Unlike the Nazis, who tried to hide the worst of it. Dwight David Eisenhower, then commander of the European Theater of Operations, knew there would be Holocaust deniers and made neighboring German civilians join the press in touring concentration camps so that they and the world would have a hard time doing that. Today, there can be no question of what Hamas did: We have the audio of their phone calls and the videos they produced. After the war, Eisenhower was the president of Columbia University. Today, he’d be appalled to be connected with it in any way.

The media has downplayed much of the horrific barbarism, and this may be hard to hear, but here are just a few examples. In one family, a first responder reported the husband was shot, the baby was placed in a burning hot oven, and the wife, to the screams of her dying child, was gang-raped and then killed. Secretary of State Antony Blinken offers another:

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