Illegal Aliens Culturally Enrich NYC as Eric Adams Flounders


from Moonbattery:

Living in Manhattan at the time, I witnessed a remarkable transformation when Mayor Rudy Giuliani took over from the moonbat David Dinkins in 1994. The Deuce — the stretch of 42nd Street west of Times Square — went from a cesspool of pornography and prostitution to a wholesome tourist draw. Unfortunately, under Democrat rule, the “fundamental transformation” promised by Obama works in the opposite direction:


New York City has a huge new red light district thanks to the arrival of hordes of female Venezuelan migrants who are working as prostitutes, Mayor Eric Adams said.

Roosevelt Avenue in the Corona neighborhood of Queens is filled with Venezuelan migrants offering sex services in the open-air, so-called ‘Market of Sweethearts.’

Thanks to the collapse of rule of law in New York following Black Lives Matter, illegal activities can be conducted out in the open.

In recent weeks sex workers have been seen walking the streets during the day, with many aggressively soliciting even as children get out of school or during their lunch hour, as reported by Pix 11.

Children learn fast these days, if not when it comes to the three R’s.

When asked by reporters about the open-air sex market, Adams said the situation has been brought to his attention, and he has visited the area himself, confirming that ‘illegal’ activity is taking place publicly at all hours of the day and night.

Many of the prostitutes arrived from socialism’s latest spectacular failure (i.e., previously wealthy Venezuela) across our deliberately undefended border.

It is unclear if those women were sex workers at home and if they are selling their bodies of their own free will, or if they have been trafficked and coerced.

Best not to dig into this question too deeply. That might anger the liberal establishment the way Sound of Freedom did.

Adams blames federal authorities. He has a point:

In September, the Biden administration issued temporary legal status for an estimated 472,000 Venezuelans who had arrived in the country as of July 31. That was on top of the 242,000 who were previously covered under TPS grants in 2021 and 2022.

However, Adams helped cause the problem himself by barking even recently that the border should remain open, by declaring NYC to be a sanctuary city, and by offering extravagant financial incentives to illegal aliens. Now that it has gotten so out of hand that even he admits illegal aliens will “destroy” the city, he is attempting to deal with the crisis by the traditional liberal tactic of throwing other people’s money at it:

New York City is now steering migrants to a new “reticketing center” where they can secure a free one-way plane ticket anywhere in the world — as Mayor Eric Adams scrambles to free up space in the Big Apple’s already-overburdened shelter system. …

Some of the migrants who have taken up the city’s offer have already booked plane tickets as far away as Morocco, Politico reported.

Cost? Let’s not worry about cost. A federal bailout for NYC is only a matter of time. Then Biden can just print the money.

Even if a few undocumented Democrats take them up on the free airfare offer, it won’t be near enough. Another massive caravan of invaders is approaching through Mexico, secure in the knowledge that the border will remain undefended because the USA is ruled by its worst enemies.

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