Is Deagel’s 2025 Depopulation Nightmare Unfolding?: A Startling Correlation with Shocking Quadruple Vaccinated Mortality Rates Certainly Suggests So…


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

In April 2021, the enigmatic intelligence firm quietly erased its staggering 2025 global depopulation forecast, a document forecasting a dramatic decline in populations of key countries like the United Kingdom, United States, Germany etc.

This drastic prediction, which vanished from the public eye after garnering huge attention during the alleged COVID-19 pandemic, has since been shrouded in whispers and theories, only to resurface amidst startling new health data.


The latest official Government figures suggest an alarming pattern: significantly higher mortality rates in vaccinated individuals compared to the unvaccinated, echoing the ominous tones of Deagel’s predictions. But what’s even more concerning is that the disparity in mortality rates increased ten-fold the more Covid-19 vaccinations that an age group was given.

This means we are now seeing quadruple vaccinated teenagers up to 318% more likely to die than unvaccinated teenagers,

As we delve into this mysterious intersection of prediction and present reality, a question arises:

Could the once-dismissed forecast of be an unfolding truth hidden in plain sight?

The Shocking Forecast of 2025 by and Its Disappearance

In an age where forecasting and data analysis hold significant sway over public perception and policy,, a renowned global intelligence and consulting firm, made headlines with its startling prediction concerning global depopulation.

Particularly, its 2025 population forecast captured widespread attention. This prediction, which was suspiciously removed from their website in April 2021, once it garnered attention in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic has thankfully been preserved by Nobul Art, allowing continued access to this troubling piece of depopulation forecasts.

The Stark Numbers: United Kingdom and Germany’s Predicted Plight

According to Deagel’s 2020 forecast, the United Kingdom was on course to witness an extraordinary decrease in population by 77.1% by the year 2025.

Similarly, Germany was expected to see its population diminish by 65.1% within the same timeframe.

Meanwhile Deagel predicted in 2020 that the United States would see its population decline by 68.5 % by the year 2025.

While predicting that Australia would see its population decline by 34.6% by the year 2025.

Such figures, unsurprisingly, sparked intense debate and speculation regarding the underlying causes and the accuracy of these predictions.

A Chilling Correlation with Vaccine-Related Mortality?

In an unexpected twist, recent health data appears to lend a disturbing credence to Deagel’s dire predictions.

According to a dataset released by the UK Government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), there’s an alarming trend observed in mortality rates among different vaccination statuses.

This data indicates that Four-Dose COVID-19 COVID-19-vaccinated teens and young Adults have up to a 318% higher likelihood of death compared to their unvaccinated counterparts.

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