Totalitarianism Needs Endless Lies To Be Seen As ‘The Truth’ To Ensure Their Citizens Descend Into Madness And As George Orwell Warned Long Ago, This Dangerous Nightmare Has Arrived


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– Western Civilization Has Gone Insane As We Rush Towards WW3 And Nuclear Annihilation

As we rush towards 2024, one doesn’t have to look too far to see our country has gone completely insane with stories all across the internet proving the lunacy we’re now living in as we also are rapidly herded towards World War 3 and what could become ‘nuclear Armageddon‘ unfolding overnight.


With that complete and total insanity seen perfectly in this Rebel News story from a couple of days ago reporting a ‘swimming competition’ just north of Toronto, Canada has allowed a 50-year-old biological male, who ‘identified‘ as a young girl, to compete against REAL 13 year-old girls, along with using the girls locker room to change his clothing, where do we go as a society from here when we’ve already reached this level of warped and insane madness?

Happening also at a time when countless members of ‘Generation Z‘ are in the US military as people proud to label themselves as ‘drag queens‘ as seen in this ‘Libs of Tik Tok’ post on X, as this Zero Hedge story also alarmingly points out, that same generation is also claiming they’ll never go fight in US wars if eventually drafted, a scenario that is looking more and more likely every day with joe biden and the globalists now rushing head first into more and more of their endless wars.

And as we’ve also reported on ANP numerous times previously over the past year +, this is all happening at a time when ‘goodness’ is being called ‘evil’ by the globalist cabal, along with ‘evil’ being labeled as ‘goodness’ by the same psychopaths, meaning we’re well on our way towards the completion of an ‘Orwellian’ reversal of reality.

As George Orwell had warned us all long ago in dire warnings that slipped completely past most Americans, “the further a society drifts from ‘the truth,’ the more they will hate those who speak it”. And that warning from decades ago is clearly more true today than it ever has been with that same group of psychopaths attempting to cement their never-ending lies as ‘truth‘ while demonizing those who speak it.

As Jason Bermas and JP Spears discuss in the 1st video at the bottom of this story entitled “Making Sense of the Madness,” we as a society have gone off the deep end under globalism and the globalist agenda which has been pushed across the planet and it will only get worse if we don’t put a stop to it.

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