More evidence that those who “stand with” either Israel OR Palestine are being played


by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:

It’s getting ever clearer that this new catastrophe is yet another psy-op, organized to push the globalist agenda, and therefore likely to be fatal to the people on BOTH sides, and all the rest of us

In 1996, when Extra! ran a piece of mine about the myth (that’s right) of “Jewish media control,” I started getting furious emails from Nazis who had happened on that article, and wanted to abuse me for it. More recently, I’ve heard from other Nazis exercised by my referring to the global “vaccination” program as a “second Holocaust”—a crime against the truth, they hold, since, of course, there was no first Holocaust, while this one is, of course, the doing of (who else?) “the Jews.”


I still get such emails now and then (and expect that I’ll be getting plenty more, now that a virulent Judaeophobia is busting out all over); and, as if that isn’t tedious enough, I’m now also getting vitriolic emails from Zionists, calling me (for example) a “fucking asshole” and “self-hating Jew” for what they see as the “hostility” to Israel expressed in my last post about “October 7” and its aftermath.

I find that fury somewhat mystifying, since, although I am an anti-Zionist, I have a lot of friends in Israel, and have been doing all I can to note the toll of “vaccination” there (and in the Palestinian territories); and, more to the point, I don’t see even a trace element of hostility to Israel in my recent post about “October 7,” which, far from arguing for either side in this catastrophe, argues, urgently, against it, on the grounds that what’s going on is actually a(nother) globalist assault on all humanity, so that taking a fierce “stand with” Israel or Palestine is not a good idea, to put it mildly:

Gaza is a huge distraction from the fact that Netanyahu has been managing TWO genocides

Gaza is a huge distraction from the fact that Netanyahu has been managing TWO genocides

Germany, 2021: “Do not buy in unvaccinated shops”: “Unvaxxed unwanted”:

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By and by, I will be posting something about Zionism, and its long weaponization of the Holocaust—a seizure that has done incalculable harm, and that all too few people understand (“Holocaust deniers” least of all). Much as I want to get to that important subject, however, so much more has now come out about this latest psy-op that I want to post it now, before the volume is too overwhelming.

Here, then, is a range of startling evidence that Israel cares as much about the Jews as Hamas cares about the Palestinians, which is to say, not at all—an equation sure to make a lot of people’s heads explode, as truth so often does (or the CIA’s “conspiracy theory” propaganda would not have been a runaway success since 1967).

October 7 testimonies reveal Israel’s military ‘shelling’ Israeli citizens with tanks, missiles

by Max Blumenthal

October 27, 2023

Israel’s military received orders to shell Israeli homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7. How many Israeli citizens said to have been “burned alive” were actually killed by friendly fire?

Several new testimonies by Israeli witnesses to the October 7 Hamas surprise attack on southern Israel adds to growing evidence that the Israeli military killed its own citizens as they fought to neutralize Palestinian gunmen.

Son of Hamas founder on that outfit’s cynicism and brutality (in a segment also noting the CIA’s long history of backing radical Islamist groups):

It’s crucial that we understand the tight relationship between Mossad and CIA, which have been partnering almost since Israel was founded (a partnership initially cultivated by James Angleton, the Agency’s supremely paranoid director of “counter-intelligence”). That link surely pertains to Netanyahu’s rise to power, his files suggesting a close CIA connection:

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