SHOCK Statistic: 4.1% of Deaths in Canada Due to Government Euthanasia (MAID)


by Ben Bartee, PJ Media:

I and others at PJ Media have written extensively about the Canadian government depopulation scheme draped in the auspices of the liberal and loving state mercy-killing of the hopeless mentally and physically ill.

The government markets its killing program as “Medical Assistance in Dying,” or MAID for short.

It’s classic Hitlerian eugenics but with a shiny liberal sheen.


In recently released numbers that should truly shock the conscience (an overused phrase but appropriate here if it ever were), 4.1% of ALL deaths in Canada last year are attributed to MAID.

Via Unherd (emphasis added):

Last year 4.1% of all deaths in Canada were due to MAiD (medical assistance in dying), according to the country’s health ministry. This amounts to a total of 13,241 people who died under Canada’s MAiD programme in 2022, marking a 31% rise on the previous year.

These findings provide succour to claims made by MAiD critics that the programme has become too permissive. Federal guidelines stipulate that clients must have a grievous and irremediable medical condition, make a voluntary request for medical assistance in dying that is not the result of outside pressure or influence, and give informed consent to receive medical assistance in dying…

But towards the end of last year, the programme was criticised for allegedly driving citizens into assisted suicide on the grounds of poverty or lack of healthcare. Stories included two separate cases of cash-strapped women suffering from chronic health conditions who successfully applied to end their lives. Elsewhere, four Canadian military veterans were allegedly “pressured” to opt for medically-assisted death by a now-suspended Veterans Affairs Canada caseworker.

Canada is following an age-old trick from the social engineering playbook called “incrementalism.” What begins as a pseudo-noble project to help the terminally ill exercise some degree of self-determination in their waning days slowly expands to include the poor, the mentally ill, and other “undesirable” elements of society.

RelatedWatch: UNREAL Dystopian Suicide Advertisement

In the beginning, MAID is voluntary. As the program expands, it will very possibly become mandatory.

We are all boiling frogs in the globalist pot.

After all, it’s no closely guarded secret that Justin Trudeau is an admirer of “basic Chinese dictatorship” – he infamously acknowledged that in public in front of cameras to an adoring audience. And among the many atrocities the CCP is famous for is severe state limits on reproduction for the purposes of population control.

So why wouldn’t Canada encourage the peasants to off themselves for protecting the environment or fighting racism whatever fashionable cause du jour?

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