Central Nervous System (CNS) Vasculitis: Blood Vessel Inflammation in the Brain Caused by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines


by Dr. William Makis, Global Research:

Confirmed by a new September 2023 Japanese study by Ariyoshi, et. al.

Oct. 2023 – Byron, GA – Hannah Bennett graduated from Middle Georgia State University and started struggling with a “viral infection” in Aug.2022. In Jan. 2023 she was diagnosed with CNS Vasculitis and Oct. 2023 MRI showed progressing atrophy in areas of her brain.

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Canadian Health Officials knew about this particular Pfizer side effect:

Nov. 2021 – Oshawa, Ontario, Canada – 31 year old Kayla Jones is a Real Estate Law Clerk and she had 2 Pfizer mRNA vaccine doses (2nd dose June 25, 2021). Her story is fascinating. She crashed her car Sep. 20, 2021 and started having seizures and strokes and was eventually diagnosed with CNS Vasculitis.

But here is a crucial piece of the puzzle. Ontario government officials advised her “No further COVID-19 vaccine until client seen at CNS Vasculitis clinic.”

March 2023 – Andover, MN – Scott Mathison was diagnosed with CNS Vasculitis in Mayo Clinic, after months of ER visits and hospitalizations.

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