With Non-Stop World-Wide Chaos, It Won’t Be Long Before America Is Completely ‘Occupied,’ By Foreign Military Forces Who Are Already Here, And We’ll Be Living A Real Life ‘Red Dawn’


by Rob Pue, All News Pipeline:

Many have asked me what my thoughts are on the “surprise” attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7. Thousands of missiles began raining down on indiscriminate targets in Israel just before dawn that day. At the same time, hundreds of armed fighters descended on Israel — using motorboats, paragliders and motorcycles. Bulldozers also breached border fences between Gaza and Israel.

It was truly a scene of “shock and awe” as militants marched through the streets, burst into homes and began shooting residents. Others, including women, children and the elderly were taken hostage. Hamas is threatening to kill the hostages one by one and film the executions.

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As of October 16, the official death toll was at more than 1,400 and at least another 3,400 were injured in Israel. At least thirty Americans were killed and an undetermined number of Americans were taken hostage.

Israel began to take immediate retaliatory action, and in Gaza, at least 2,750 people are dead, with at least 10,000 wounded so far. Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will “demolish” Hamas. Nearly a half million Israel Defense Force soldiers have been mobilized for a ground offensive in Gaza.

A little history here: Hamas was formed in 1987 at the start of the first Palestinian uprising against Israel and is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, made up of Sunni Muslims from multiple countries. Their goal is to create a Palestinian state and Hamas refuses to recognize any “peace deal” with Israel. They’re funded by Islamic countries, including Iran, which, as we all know, has been and is well-funded by the United States. Remember the pallets of cash Barack Hussein Obama gave to Iran? In 2016, we sent Iran thirteen separate payments of $100 million — and an additional $400 million was sent by cash.

In 2016 alone, the US, under the direction of Obama, sent $1.7 Billion dollars to Iran. This figure was not disputed by the Obama administration. If you think the US is no longer an Iranian “cash cow” you’d be mistaken. We continue to fund our enemies. How does it feel knowing that nearly half your paycheck goes directly to federal taxes, and is then sent to our enemies, used to support illegal invaders on US soil, and also sent to places like Ukraine, where the money is “laundered” and returned back into the pockets of the so-called “lawmakers” (our “public servants”) who sent it there in the first place? In case you missed it, the Pentagon just recently announced yet another $200 million in never-ending “aid” for Ukraine.

And if you wondered where all the military equipment Biden left for our enemies in Afghanistan ended up… recent events should give you a good idea.

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