Students March for Menstrual Products in Men’s Room


from Moonbattery:

Like everything else leftists have subverted and subordinated to their ideology, the concept of “civil rights” has been reduced to farce:

About 50 students marched across Clemson University on Wednesday to demand that menstrual products be returned to men’s bathrooms in Cooper Library and that the Clemson College Republicans be reprimanded for their role in the tampons’ removal.

Even most Democrats are probably aware that men don’t menstruate. But free menstrual products must be offered in the men’s room to affirm that their dogma trumps reality itself.


It’s a matter of justice:

“We demand the reinstatement of the menstrual dispensers that were unjustly removed from the men’s bathrooms at Cooper Library,” one student speaker said during the rally at Sikes Hall ahead of the march.

The tampons were removed after college Republicans made fun of them on social media. This illustrates how laughter leads to injustice and therefore cannot be tolerated:

On Take Back Pride’s Instagram account, it presented a list of demands to the university, including calling on campus leaders to punish the Clemson College Republicans under the student code of conduct.

They allege the College Republicans are “contributing to a campus climate that encourages transphobic rhetoric and jeopardizes the safety of LGBTQIA+ students,” according to an Instagram post on its account.

Freedom of speech is all well and good, so long as no one says anything that could encourage transphobic rhetoric.

For now, Clemson administrators have no plans to restore the free tampon dispensers. The brave fight for social justice must continue.

How proud these students would be to one day tell their grandchildren that they marched for the glorious cause of tampons in the men’s room. Too bad that due to the lifestyle they have embraced, they won’t be having many grandchildren.

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