Holocaust Survivor, Israeli Doctor and Former Zionist Speaks Out Against Palestinian Genocide


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

As I am writing this on Saturday, October 14, 2023, the war in Israel is in danger of escalating into a full-blown World War, as Israeli forces seem poised to invade Gaza, while Iran’s government threatens retaliation if they do.

As I wrote yesterday, propaganda and lies are the norm from BOTH sides of the conflict now, with the predominate view of the majority of the general population of both Israelis and Arabs mostly censored, as the Billionaire financiers of weapons and war fund this propaganda to achieve their own evil purposes.

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Today, I want to expose the readers of the Health Impact News network to the work of Dr. Gabor Maté, a Hungarian-born Jew who is a Holocaust survivor and former Zionist. While the mass media tries to portray ethnic groups as unified in their political and religious views, the fact is that no group of people are unified in their views and actions. To accept the view that an entire class of people think and act the same, is called “discrimination” and “prejudice.”

So this is a truth that is mostly censored: Not all Jews are Zionists!

Dr. Maté represents what I am confident is a majority view among Jews who do not support the Israeli government, and fully recognize the ethnic cleansing that the State of Israel has been inflicting on the Palestinian people since 1948.

Dr. Maté is a physician, best-selling author, and often referred to as a World Renowned Addiction Recovery Expert.

An interview he gave on the current war in Israel one day ago has already been viewed over 1 million times on YouTube, and I highly recommend this 12-minute video (if it disappears, let us know).


Dr. Gabor Maté was interviewed in 2019 by his son, Aaron Maté, where he further elaborates on the very difficult and complicated issues regarding Israel and Palestine. This is the non-Zionist Jewish view, which I suspect represents more Jews today than most of the Zionist views.

Please educate yourself on these alternative views that are mostly censored in the mass media. Do not look for just things you can agree or disagree with, but view this with the goal of understanding how REAL people actually think, for the purpose of understanding them, rather than following the propaganda now being produced to divide the world with hatred and prejudice.

Gabor Maté on the misuse of anti-Semitism and why fewer Jews identify with Israel

The GrayZone

Dr. Gabor Maté, a survivor of the Nazi Holocaust, offers a personal and historical perspective on anti-Semitism, Zionism, and Israel-Palestine.

Guest: Dr. Gabor Maté, mental health expert and best-selling author.



AARON MATÉ: Welcome to Push Back. I’m Aaron Maté. My guest today is Gabor Maté. He is a physician and author, and also my father. Dad, welcome back to Push Back.

GABOR MATÉ: Aaron, nice to be here again.

AARON MATÉ: So, we are talking today about antisemitism, particularly posing it as a problem on the left. This is an issue that in some ways tracks with your entire life. You were born into Nazi-occupied Hungary, you barely survived, you’ve been an activist for a long time in your life, particularly around the Israel-Palestine conflict. When you look at the issue today and how it is being discussed, what is your impression, and how do you think we should be approaching the issue of antisemitism today?

GABOR MATÉ: I think, first of all, we have to acknowledge that there is such a thing as antisemitism. That it is just not somebody’s fantasy, and particularly there is powerful and very painful reasons why people should be concerned about it. I’m talking about our fellow Jews, but also others. So, there’s, anyway, nobody has to be told that there’s a terrible, devastating history of it in the past century, particularly, but, you know, before then as well. So that issue needs to be taken seriously. And at the same time the seriousness that the issue merits has to be looked at in historical context, and that context today is largely framed by the Israel-Palestine situation, and very often the historical lessons and fears that people have absorbed around this issue get infused into the Palestinian question and very much confuse the question in the minds of a lot of people. So that’s the context in which we have to look at it.

AARON MATÉ: In your own experience, how long has that been going on for? Have you witnessed that dynamic, where basically antisemitism is weaponized to silence criticism of Israel and defense of Palestinian rights?

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