Biden Has Turned America Into A ‘Kill Zone’ As More Military-Aged Men Flow In With Reports They’re Soldiers For The UN – ‘We No Longer Have A Southern Border, We Have A War Zone’


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

While the big news the last several days that has provided the globalists with a ‘great distraction’ from their crimes of treason upon America has been the huge attack upon Israel, an attack which many warn was ‘allowed‘ to happen with some of the greatest intelligence failures in history, we’re warned in the 1st video at the bottom of this story that the chances of a ‘similar event‘ happening here in the USA are growing every day thanks to joe biden leaving the US southern border wide open.


Allowing anybody who wants to come into America to just come in, we have been reporting for the past several years on ANP about a massive influx of military-aged males‘ flowing over the ‘border‘ and into America and as we’ll explore in this story, those numbers continue to grow, with a few bizarre reports these men are actually soldiers who’ve come across into the United States for the United Nations.

With numerous reports coming out that should enrage EVERY American that all of these illegal immigrants flowing into the country are being treated by our own government and businesses here MUCH BETTER than the American people are, such as hotels canceling the rooms of US Veterans so they can house illegal immigrants, along with reports the US govt is allocating a staggering $2,200 “per month” to illegal immigrant families (1 parent & 1 child) through phony asylum for cost of living expensesMichael Snyder over at the Economic Collapse Blog has a story recently out that warns all of these illegal immigrants flowing over is in preparation for ‘war’ titled “Is China Pre-Positioning Vast Numbers Of Soldiers, Spies and Saboteurs In U.S. Communities For The Coming War?”

Because as General Michael Flynn warns us in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, with a countless number of known terrorists from known terrorist organizations having already been captured at our southern border, “we no longer have a southern border, we have a war zone.” And as Flynn tells us, their ‘weapons of choice’ to carry out mass killings in America aren’t guns or bombs, but ‘fentanyl‘.

Yet as we warned in this September 23rd story on ANP titled “The ‘Full Scale Invasion’ At The Southern Border Is The ‘Great Replacement’ Part Of The ‘Great Reset’ As More ‘Military Aged’ Men Flow Over To FORCE In Globalism And A ‘New World Order’,” none of us should be surprised by what’s now happening with ‘America‘ the biggest prize awaiting the globalists in this ‘great reset,’ but they know far too well that to ‘take down America,‘ they’ll 1st have to disarm the American people, a prospect far easier said than done.

Which could very easily explain this post over at ‘X’ from a Uber driver who warns a male illegal immigrant passenger of his who is of military age recently told him that he was employed here in the United States as a soldier by the United Nations as heard in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story.

With globalist government knowing that many law enforcement officers and US military members are Conservatives, Constitutionalists and gun owners themselves who’d never disarm their fellow Americans, has the UN decided to bring in ‘military aged men‘ from other countries to do what other Americans won’t do? Much more below.

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