Pretend President Joe Biden Remains Radio Silent And Out Of Sight As It’s Confirmed That 9 Americans Were Killed In Hamas Attacks In Israel Saturday


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

With war waging in Israel and a confirmed American death toll of nine so far, President Joe Biden has gone radio silent as he has yet to comment on the loss of U.S. lives.

It would seem that one of the ‘casualties of war’ taking place in the Middle East right now would have to include pretend president Joe Biden who has gone dark since the news that 9 Americans were murdered by Hamas in the attack on Israel over the weekend. You would think that this would be a prime opportunity for someone running for re-election, to take over the airwaves and broadcast a strong and reassuring message to the American people. Nope, he’s nowhere to be found. Why is that?


9 Americans have been killed, but there is no way of knowing how many more Americans will be included in that list. As the winds of war blow through the hallowed halls of Washington, America has no leader, unless you count Barack Obama who has been pulling the strings from the shadows during the past two and a half years of his third term. Joe Biden doesn’t give a crap about Americans being killed overseas, if he did, he wouldn’t have left over hundreds of Americans stranded in Afghanistan to face the Taliban. What do you think he’ll do when the Jihadi sleeper cells let in through unchecked border crossings activate themselves and start roaming the streets of American cities?

Biden not seen publicly for TWO days after making speech lasting just THREE MINUTES as nine Americans confirmed dead in Israel

FROM THE DAILY MAIL UK: Biden delivered extremely brief remarks on Saturday condemning the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, but he maintained a clear schedule on Monday despite confirmation of American deaths in the conflict. Meanwhile, other world leaders publicly expressed support for the Jewish State. Additionally, on Sunday the President was briefed that Americans had been killed by Hamas fighting – but Biden still went forward with hosting a staff BBQ at the White House with a live band.

On Monday morning, the White House communications office called a ‘lid’, meaning that Biden and his staff would not hold any events for the press as the world turned to the U.S. President to hear about the loss of life.

‘You’ve got to be sh****ing me?!? It’s Monday at noon,’ Donald Trump Jr. posted to X upon hearing news the president doesn’t have any public events for the day.

He added: ‘Our greatest ally in the Middle East is at war, women and children are being slaughtered and raped in the streets, and our imbecile president is checking out before lunch?’

Following intense backlash, the White House was forced to release a detailed account of what Biden is doing Monday to respond to the conflict, including meeting earlier in the morning with Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Principal Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer, Homeland Security Advisor Liz Sherwood-Randall, and White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zient

‘He directed his team to follow up on coordination with Israel on all aspects of the crisis and to continue their work with regional partners to warn anyone who might seek to take advantage in this situation,’ a statement provided to the press reads.

‘This afternoon, President Biden will be speaking with several of our close allies about the latest developments in Israel and we will have more to share soon.’

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