Sexualizing Children


by Janet Levy, American Thinker:

Do you believe that human beings are sexually aware right from birth?  That children should know about masturbation at 0-4 years, and about hugging, kissing, and sexual behavior at 5-9 years?  Or that children aged 9-12 years should know about sexual attraction, stimulation, and using pornography because by then they are ready for their first sexual experience?


If your answer on all counts is a shocked and emphatic No, you have reason to be very much worried.  For the globalist agenda to upend western civilization strikes at our most vulnerable members.  Is there a plan to  sexualize children, promote pornography, and normalize pedophilia involving the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the U.N. as part of Agenda 2030? The possibility exists. (In 2019, in a meeting at UN headquarters, the WEF signed the UN-Forum Partnership to accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, including its goals for education and health, though details as to what this involves are unclear.)

Under the guise of caring for children’s rights, needs, and health, these organizations are encouraging school systems to incorporate programs rife with sexual content.  To get parents out of the way, they are camouflaging their intent as a commitment to protect the “sexual rights” of minors.  So, schools may not inform parents that their child is being exposed to sexual content, is attending drag queen hour, or is being counseled for sex change.

Such exposure primes children for possible future exploitation, filling their minds with ideas and feelings they are too young to understand.  Brainwashed and confused, they may end up consenting to activities parents have taught them to reject.  Experts say the school programs threaten to normalize pedophilia in the name of “child liberation” and might even amount to grooming.

The role of the U.N. and its organizations in promoting the global elitist agenda is now well known.  Less known is their overarching effort to promote perverse ideas about child sexuality, scaffolded by dubious, politically-driven academic studies.  In 2018, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) published the International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education: An Evidence-Informed Approach, a document that asserts that all humans are sexual from birth, justifying the supersession of parental rights to protect children’s innocence.  It sets the ages (mentioned earlier) at which children may know about masturbation, etc., and at which they are ripe for sexual experience.  The WHO’s Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe, too, gives similar age markers, and says children aged 4-6 years should be encouraged to express their sexual needs and desires.

The ideas and standards mentioned in those documents have translated into a Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) curriculum that many school systems have already adopted.  CSE endorses exposure of children to obscene ideas and material: without parental consent or knowledge, children as young as nine are being taught how to put on a condom.  CSE maintains that, if both parties consent, all sexual activity is normal and healthy.

A CSE pamphlet titled It’s All One Curriculum, produced by the Population Council, Planned Parenthood, and other NGOs, includes guidelines and activities to instruct children on how to stimulate themselves or their partner to orgasm.  All forms of sexual expression, exploration of sexual pleasure, and abortion rights are promoted under the guise of human, sexual, and reproductive rights.  Another Planned Parenthood pamphlet — Healthy, Happy and Hot — teaches children that, if they feel uncomfortable, they may withhold their HIV status from a sexual partner.

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