The Ministry of Health Granted Vaccine Exemptions to Hundreds Among Its Key Staff


by Guy Hatchard, Hatchard Report:

According to the legislation at the time in 2021, there were operational exemptions available for those who were not getting vaccinated against Covid 19. Your website outlines the process of applying for an operating exemption under clause 12a. How many requests were received? How many were approved by the ministry?”

This article is available as a PDF document.

Matt Hannant, Interim Director, Prevention, National Public Health Service, Te Whatu Ora replied:


“From 13 November 2021 to 26 September 2022, a total of 478 applications for Significant Service Disruption exemption (SSD) were received. 103 applications were granted, covering approximately 11,005 workers. Please note that it is not possible to provide the exact number of workers that were covered by SSDs. This is because it was possible for an organisation to submit an application to cover more than one worker.”

So exactly how many Ministry of Health staff and associated contractors benefitted from the vaccine exemptions?

I have made enquiries and found some staff prepared to leak information. One source has told me that 95 consultants in the Dunedin region alone benefitted from vaccine exemptions. Another source has pointed to a group of doctors working in Northland who arranged among themselves to remain unvaccinated. The total appears to run to hundreds and possibly more.

It seems that those granted exemptions were restrained by gag orders. In other words, they could not tell anyone that they had been granted exemptions—it was a secretive process that the Ministry of Health was anxious to hide from the public.

In any case, any doctor advising a patient that mRNA Covid vaccination might be risky faced disciplinary action and many were actually suspended.

So medical staff allowed themselves to be manipulated into a position whereby, if they were unvaccinated themselves, they were still required to advise their patients to vaccinate—a recipe for widespread hypocrisy in the health service.

This process was certainly approved by Dr. Ashley Bloomfield who himself gained considerable notoriety by refusing vaccine exemptions to those among the public severely injured by their first jab, insisting that they continue with a vaccination schedule. Given Dr. Bloomfield’s close working relationship with Jacinda Ardern and Chris Hipkins it is quite likely they were both aware of the process and approved it. The opposition leaders were also likely kept in the loop.

The criteria for granting exemptions apparently entailed an assessment concerning how vital staff were to the working of the health service. In other words, senior figures and those holding key surgical positions could actually insist they remain unvaccinated and continue to be allowed to work. Whilst unvaccinated nurses for example could not gain exemptions and lost their positions.

If senior staff who wished to remain unvaccinated had spoken out publicly, the issue of Covid vaccine safety might have been given a public airing. Instead the Ministry of Health and the government kept a lid on all and any discussion. It did so through liaison with mainstream and social media outlets to censor content and through tight control of staff.

So why did senior medical staff choose to remain unvaccinated?

They may have been aware of a 2019 paper in Frontiers in Oncology Journal entitled Gene Therapy Leaves a Vicious Cycle which reported:

“…gene therapy has been caught in a vicious cycle for nearly two decades owing to immune response, insertional mutagenesis, viral tropism, off-target activity, unwanted clinical outcomes (ranging from illness to death of participants in clinical trials), and patchy regulations.”

Despite this evidence of prior harm and the misgivings of senior medical consultants who were in a position to make a reasoned and evidence-based assessment of risk, you may think that the vaccine was in fact safe and effective. It wasn’t, as subsequent research has demonstrated. Incredibly, against the evidence, the government is still encouraging the public to get vaccinated.

As someone who has analysed social data over the last fifty years, I do sympathise with the doctors who opted for caution. That would be a normal reaction to new medications. It takes years to assess safety. So how unsafe is the mRNA Covid vaccine? Extremely unsafe.

The 2023 excess death data across OECD nations.

The top most highly Covid vaccinated nations in the OECD are in order Portugal, Chile, Canada, Iceland, New Zealand, Spain and Australia. Their average percentage of the population vaccinated is 91%. Their average rate of excess deaths so far in 2023 is 12% above the five year historical average.

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