How Can We Keep Living With These Damn Commies?


by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

We normal Americans share this continent – which I must acknowledge was stolen from the bucolic and loving indigenous folk who dwelled here before the Europeans came and conquered it fair and square – with a clique of malignant mediocrities who increasingly want us disarmed, disenfranchised and – to judge from the love I get on social media – deceased. Yet we are stuck here together on this continent with pinko people who seem intent on us doing the dirty work of feeding, fueling, and defending this nation while they kick back and complain to each other about how we are racist, sexist, and caught up in the gender binary as they sip cups of kombucha on one of their countless stress breaks from their semi-show job at Tech Corp in which they synergize impactful strategies.


This living arrangement is becoming untenable – for them too, and they are taking action. If you look at the stats, the left has decided to approach the problem of free speech – specifically, us having it – with the innovative approach of banning free speech. Oh, they are not ashamed to tell you so – no hate speech, no racist speech, no climate denial, no pointing out that only men have weenies – just as 47% of them were not ashamed to tell a pollster recently that free speech should be legal “only under certain circumstances.” Naturally, those certain circumstances are when said free speech does not challenge their feelz or power.

Our North American roommates are terrible people. They excuse the rampant bribery of the family of President Please Get Out Of My Shower Daddy. They hate babies and want abortion until the age of consent, which they want to make three in order to indulge their vital pervert caucus. They empower criminals to terrorize those who cannot hide behind hired armed security and walls. They want to ship our cash (and probably us as well) to defend the borders of Ukraine while they throw our borders open. And most of them are funny looking, from Fetterogre to the femboy suburban socialists to the tired-looking Chardonnay wine women who will someday die alone in their locked condos and be eaten by their cats.

I don’t want to live here with these people any more, at least not any more than they want to live here with me. And make no mistake – they don’t want to live here with us. They would love nothing more to be rid of the nagging example we provide of men who are men and women who are women. The only reason that they have not tossed us out, besides a notable lack of body strength and the fact that the average one of us has a gun count about on par with their average young woman’s body count, is because if we left no one would be around to do the actual work, to pay the taxes, and to open pickle jars.

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