Almost Like Metaphysics: Democrats Use Issues to Push for Total Control


by P.F. Kelly, Jr., American Thinker:

The Democrats are playing a game of hide-and-seek with voters.

The party hides what they are up to, and voters do very little seeking. The game revolves around the philosophical mystery at the core of the party.

Who are the Democrats?


What do they believe? Democrat leaders, especially the older ones, still speak the language of caring, but their policies say otherwise. They are no longer the party of the New Deal, offering an array of programs to help families, children, and working men and women. Instead, based on their current priorities, they are the party of the international managerial elite, as represented by Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton. This international elite, hiding in plain sight, has its own agenda rarely reported on in the mainstream media, but it has been made public as the “Great Reset” of the World Economic Forum (WEF). The Great Reset has little to do with the well-being of the people in this country.

Two current issues provide insight into the philosophical foundation of Democrats today: transgenderism and climate change.

In polling, Democrat voters rank climate change as an important issue, but less important than health care, education, and abortion rights. Transgenderism is well down the list of voter priorities.

Transgenderism and climate change are problematic issues. Men cannot become women and women cannot become men. Gender is not a social construct, but a physical reality. No matter how often you assert the opposite, it will not become true.

Likewise climate change. “Everyone” knows that man-made climate change is destroying the planet. The “entire” scientific community is united in agreement. Both of these statements are false, but they are never debated. The science upon which climate catastrophe assertions are based is not settled. Just ask Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. John Clauser, who was recently cancelled for undermining the supposed monolithic climate orthodoxy.

Why are these two issues, each with a questionable foundation in reality, at the forefront of Democrat activism?

Because in the Democrat party today, it’s not about middle-class Americans; it’s not even about Americans anymore. It’s about the goals of the international managerial elite, and this reflects the philosophical change at the heart of the Democrat party. For Democrats, power is no longer a means of helping people, but an end-in-itself. The goal is to expand government power in order to remake society, and humanity itself. What is needed to advance these goals? Power. Control. That’s why they love communist China.

The WEF and the leftist Democrat elite here want to duplicate across the globe the CCP’s total control of the people.

Climate change is useful because it is a planet-threatening problem that requires systemic change enforced by the government, requiring ever-greater government control over our lives, like the Covid pandemic. Transgenderism is another power play, an attempt to override reality by government fiat. It places the state in the middle of the family, giving the state the last word on the question of the human person, fracturing the natural power structure of the family, and establishing the state as a competing authority with parents.

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