by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

It’s official. This pope is nuts, and if there was any doubt that the apostate rot that has been the papacy for the last 1,000 years (if you’re Orthodox), or 500 years (if you’re Anglican or Protestant), or 142 years since Vatican I when Pius IX made himself infallible has reached the point of no return, when what was once Roman Catholicism is no longer concerned with teaching Roman Catholicism, but embracing every trendy fad of “public policy wonks” and technocrats, then this story shared by K.M. might serve to dispel any lingering doubts:


No…that foamy lather flecking the face of the UN Secretary General is not because he just finished a pleasant jog near the UN building (who’d want to jog there anyway?). It’s because these people are acting increasingly like they have that insane hatred of all and sundry brought about by rabies infection.

And Francis appears to have been bitten by it:

Stressing the urgency of addressing the climate change “catastrophe,” the pope and ex-POTUS vowed to fight global boiling “before it’s too late.”

“It is time to work together to stop the ecological catastrophe before it’s too late,” the pontiff told Clinton at a meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI).

“Let us stop while there is still time, please.”

Francis reiterated his intention to release a second document on the “climate catastrophe” later this month.

The move comes eight years after the publication of his encyclical “Laudato Sì” on the same theme.

In late August, Francis said it is time for world leaders to “listen to science and institute a rapid and equitable transition to end the era of fossil fuel.”

It is “absurd to permit the continued exploration and expansion of fossil fuel infrastructures,” he declared in his message for the September 1 Feast of Creation.

“Let us raise our voices to halt this injustice towards the poor and towards our children, who will bear the worst effects of climate change.”

“The unrestrained burning of fossil fuels and the destruction of forests are pushing temperatures higher and leading to massive droughts,” the pope stated.

He claimed that the alleged “catastrophe” is a product of “consumerist greed, fueled by selfish hearts.”

Francis then suggested communist-like policies to address “climate change.”

“Richer nations have contracted an ‘ecological debt’ that must be paid” to poorer nations, he declared.

“Let us heed our call to stand with the victims of environmental and climate injustice, and to put an end to the senseless war against creation,” he said.

Fossil fuels bans? Feast of Creation?  I thought all those incarnational feasts were also about setting the view of Creation back into proper perspective? But I guess all those people like Augustine, Pope Gregory, Cassian, Gregory of Tours, Augustine of Canterbury, Dunstan, Benedict, Aquinas, Eriugena, Duns Scotus (and on and on we could go) were wrong about that. It helps to be infallible and to have a universal jurisdiction, because you can always change direction on a dime, and make everything ultimately about enhancing that claim to such jurisdiction, and you don’t even have to listen to your own pesky theologians! Whew! That was a close call! We almost lapsed back into recognizably Roman Catholic ways of thinking and doing things. Thank goodness we managed to avoid that, or Bill Clinton wouldn’t be dropping in for a visit!

Of course, that’s the problem with the papal system: you don’t have to listen to anyone. That’s another very long story about how a brand (“catholic faith”) was hijacked, and it’s one that most don’t want to hear, but to give it the Cliff notes treatment, the word “catholic” is from the Greek kath and hole (pronounced “Oh-lee”), meaning “according to the wholeness”.  It does not mean and never meant “according to the Pope”, which would be kathapapa.

So, while there’s precious little in this article to justify the headline about population and “net zero,” I have no doubt that if the Bishop-like entity of Rome thinks that fossil fuels fall within his jurisdictional competence – and bad news folks, that’s what “universal jurisdiction” as pronounced at Vatican I means – then it’s a short hop, skip, and a jump from Boniface VIII’s Unam Sanctam to other “updatings” of the mechanisms and institutions of the papal ecclesiastical system to enforce those goals: climate change science disputers, quackcination disputers or refuseniks could literally be declared heretics…

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