Justin and the Nazis


by Kurt Nimmo, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics:

Poor Justin Trudeau. The Canadian PM has egg on his face after it was revealed his government gave former Waffen-SS Nazi Yaroslav Hunka a standing ovation in Canada’s House of Commons.

It looks like Canada’s “House of Commons” (where there are few real commoners) is all gaa-gaa over Ukrainian Nazis. Of course, this is a major faux pas, as slavering over unrepentant Nazis is, to say the least, in bad taste, especially for “woke” leaders such as Trudeau.

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How is it possible Canada’s “leaders” are unaware the SS Galicia Division where Hunka “served” was involved in the 1943 mass murder of Poles, Jews, Roma, and communists? How is possible for a man involved in genocide (directed primarily against women and children) to receive a standing ovation?

It’s rather amusing, in a sardonic sort of way, to watch as the Canadian government melts down over this embarrassing incident.

It looks like House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota will be thrown under the bus. He called Hunka a “hero” during the staged event that revealed the Canadian government’s apparent affinity for SS Waffen Nazis.

The pathetic face-saving blame game was dropped on Rota like 900 pounds of manure. There are demands he resign his post immediately. No doubt he will spend the rest of his now miserable life in shame.

Meanwhile, Trudeau declared his innocence. He insisted it was “extremely upsetting that this happened… This is something that is deeply embarrassing to the parliament of Canada and by extension to all Canadians.”

Justin’s father, Pierre Trudeau, the former Canadian PM (it’s a family affair), “was complicit in the granting of safe haven to thousands of known Nazis who had ‘killed Jews with their own hands,’” tweets Chay Bowes.

I know it’s popular now to consider just about everything posted on Elon Musk’s X-Twitter as a far-right conspiracy theory. However, Mr. Bowes includes a clip from a 1997 episode of Sixty Minutes. Needless to say, CBS ain’t what it used to be.

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service revealed in 2019 that a secret file on the scandalous dealings of the elder Trudeau was dispatched to the memory hole. His “fascination with communism, fascism, socialism and religion drove Trudeau to the far reaches of the political world,” writes Robert Morley for The Trumpet.

According to a Free Republic book review of the biography Young Trudeau: Son of Quebec, Father of Canada, 1919-1944, authored by Max and Monique Nemni, Trudeau was “not in the usual iconographic way… the sacrosanct icon of the progressive new Canada but as an anti-Semitic admirer of Hitler and Mussolini.”

Like father, like son?

It should also be noted that Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Chrystia Freeland, who arranged a Canadian training mission with Ukraine’s “integral nationalists” in 2017, has a rather ugly skeleton in her closet. Freeland’s Ukrainian grandfather Michael Chomiak (Mykhailo Khomiak) was a Nazi collaborator. He edited Krakivs’ki Visti, a “vehemently antisemitic” newspaper.

Before the insanity of Ukraine, the corporate media on occasion told the truth about Nazis. Now, according to the state and its corporate media megaphone, the real Nazis are in America—no, not the Operation Paperclip imports by the CIA, but a tiny marginalized homegrown fringe of skinheads and other deluded racist miscreants.

Canada’s “conservatives” are exploiting this incident to the hilt. In this regard, they are little different than their American counterparts, the supposed “conservatives” that want endless war with Russia, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and China. These are the “conservatives” that want to kill Julian Assange and run a former Gitmo JAG officer as president, they are colleagues of neocon “conservatives” like the psychopaths Lindsey Graham and Nikki Haley.

Finally, to demonstrate the rank historical ignorance of Canada’s parliament, Hunka was described as fighting against the Soviets in World War 2.

I’m not sure what history books these ignoramuses are reading (if any at all). The Soviet Union, the UK, and the US were allies during the war.

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