Hello President Biden, Banning Gasoline Powered Cars Is Not Popular


by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

The House votes to kill California’s onerous EV mandates. It’s a symbolic gesture, but an important one.

It’s a symbolic vote because Biden would veto the legislation if passed, but a House vote shows Banning Gas Vehicles Isn’t Popular

Eight House Democrats joined 214 Republicans last week in voting to block California and other states from banning gasoline-powered vehicles. While the legislation has no chance of becoming law this Congress, the vote is politically and legally important.

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The Clean Air Act lets the Environmental Protection Agency grant California a waiver to impose its own vehicle tail-pipe emissions standards and for other states to follow them. Congress didn’t intend for the law to apply to CO2 emissions, which don’t cause pollution or harm human health.

Yet the Obama and Biden Administrations have broadly interpreted the law to let California regulate vehicle greenhouse-gas emissions. The Biden EPA has granted California a waiver to require EVs to make up a growing share of auto-maker sales through 2025. It has also approved California’s plan to phase out internal-combustion engines in heavy-duty trucks.

The House GOP’s Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act would override those waivers and prevent EPA from approving a request by California to ban the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035. The legislation would also block bans in the 15 states that have adopted California’s “zero emission vehicle” program.

Is Eight a Lot?

Eight may not sound like much, but sheep tend to flock together.

I wonder what the true vote would be if it was a secret ballot. I suspect but cannot prove it would be much greater.

Only progressive nut cases would want to hand over policy to the state of California.

Headed to the Courts

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals last week heard three challenges to the Biden Administration’s back-door EV mandate and California waivers. States argue that Congress didn’t authorize either. Congress banned states from imposing their own fuel-economy rules, which is what California’s internal-combustion engine ban effectively does.

I expect the Supreme Court will strike this nonsense down as soon as it gets there.

Energy Madness May Cost Biden the Election

If Trump would just settle down, focus on winning ideas, stop the name calling, and sound more presidential, he can win over independents and suburban women and beat Biden in 2024.

On second thought, he might not even have to do that because Biden’s energy policies are stocking so much inflation that Trump might win anyway.

Biden claims to be the working class candidate. Is he?

Exploring the Working Class Idea

If you don’t work and have no income, Biden may make your healthcare cheaper. If you do work, he seeks to take your healthcare options away.

If you want to pay higher prices for cars, give up your gas stove, be forced into an EV, subsidize wind energy then pay more for electricity on top of it, you have a clear choice. If you support those efforts, by all means, please join him on the picket line for a token photo-op (not that you will be able to get within miles for the staged charade).

Biden does not support the working class, he supports the unworking class. This is a position Trump can exploit.

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