People Planning to Get New Covid-19 Vaccine Are Getting Hit With High Fees


by David Greyson, The Gateway Pundit:

Some people planning to get the new COVID-19 vaccine are getting hit with a hefty bill, some as high as $200.

A man from Acton, a town not too far from Boston, Massachusetts, said he received a text on his phone before the vaccine appointment informing him that he would owe about $190.

People are being charged for vaccines even though signs outside of CVS say, “Free Flu and COVID-19 Vaccines Here.”

According to CVS and Medicare and Medicaid services, the charge was related to billing errors on billing codes.


CBS News Boston:

ACTON – When Glen Cote of Acton drove to his appointment at CVS for the new COVID-19 vaccine, he was shocked to receive a text on his phone minutes before his appointment, letting him know that the vaccine would cost $190.99.

“Nightmare is the first word that comes to mind,” he explained to WBZ-TV. Cote is covered by MassHealth, the state’s program for Medicaid.

The new COVID-19 shot was approved by the FDA and CDC about a week ago, with the vaccine to be shipped to area pharmacies. Signs outside many CVS stores read “FREE FLU & COVID-19 vaccines here.”

Instead, posts on social media show that several people nationwide are getting charged for the shot, anywhere between $125 and $190.

This is of course at the time when the Biden Regime is once again, pushing for the Covid 19 vaccine.

According to Biden’s physician Dr. O’Connor, he got his annual flu and updated Covid 19 vaccine on Friday. This is just a simple way to push the Covid narrative once again on our citizens.

Joe Biden’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor reported that Biden received a flu shot, updated Covid vaccine and RSV shot.

“Yesterday morning, the President received his annual influenza vaccine and updated Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the recommendations of the Center for Disease respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) several weeks ago,” O’Connor wrote.

“As we enter the cold and flu season, the President encourages all Americans to follow his example and to check with their healthcare provider or pharmacist to assure that they are fully vaccinated,” “O’Connor wrote.

Joe Biden’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor reported that Biden received a flu shot, updated Covid vaccine and RSV shot.

“Yesterday morning, the President received his annual influenza vaccine and updated Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the recommendations of the Center for Disease respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) several weeks ago,” O’Connor wrote.

“As we enter the cold and flu season, the President encourages all Americans to follow his example and to check with their healthcare provider or pharmacist to assure that they are fully vaccinated,” “O’Connor wrote.

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