by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Regular readers here know that I’m certainly nowhere close to being a master or guru of finance and economics. If I were, I’d be rich, and I’m definitely not rich. And I freely admit, this current system and its woes make no sense to me because… well, because it makes no sense.  Bond prices go up, yields go down, inflation goes up, while there are signs of a deflationary future, and there’s more yellin’ from Yellen(whom I’m convinced cannot possibly be as stupid as she acts, because if she is, you might as well make her the “vice president” and put the  Ayatollah Kamala in charge of the Fed). We produce … well, pretty much nothing other than “financial instruments” which in turn produce more and more nothing other than financial instruments, and this all means it’s a perfect time for the United Auto Workers to strike so that what few cars we still do produce will not be produced, and we’re told we’re better off under “president”  Bai Den Dhzao and his hand-puppet act than before.



It looks like one of those bizarre and overly complex Rube Goldberg contraptions that are designed to do very simple things and do them with a maximum of inefficiency and probability of breakdowns.   In short, I gone way beyond the threshold of anger. I’m now so far into the “I just don’t care what you say” territory when it comes to the Uniparty ru(i)nning this country that I just don’t pay any attention to any them any more. As a nation, and for that matter, as a civilization, we’ve  now reached the point of the alcoholic: we are close to hitting bottom (if we haven’t already), and none of our remedies or bandaids will fix the problem, because the problem is bigger than any of us or any group of us to fix. We are helpless before the problem, and we need God’s help and grace to get through it.

So in the midst of all this, the following tweet shared by V.T. lands in my inbox this week, and it’s a real spiritual eye-opener:

Now, granted, this is but one mere state representative introducing a bill to ban the Yellin’ Yellen and her globalooney puppet masters from trying to do a currency grab(or currency “reform”, or “new currency introduction” or whatever you may wish to call it) under the guise of introducing a central bank digital “currency. ”

What gives me some hope here is that this is being said on the floor of the state legislature in St. Paul, Minnesota, a place and a state very much like Nuttyfornia, another state that has vast swaths of basically good and traditional people, dominated by few metropolitan centers that are dominated by looney tune cartoon characters – think Governor Gruesome here folks – that are reliably wacky and to the left of Leon Trotsky. In Nuttyfornia’s case, those reliably-wacky centers are San Diego, Hell-A and its environs (but not all of them), Sacramento (or as we like to call it, Scarymental), San Franfreakshow and of course the University of Nuttyfornia at Berserkley and its environs across the bay.  But otherwise, people in Nuttyfornia really aren’t so nutty nor looney and one finds pockets of occasional clear-headedness even in those (decaying) cities, but just not in politicians or holders of office. One can therefore think of Minnesota as “Nuttyfornia East” in a certain sense, because it too has a nerve-center of Trotskyist irrationality and dystopia in Minneapolis-St. Paul (or the Twin Cities), and their environs.  It’s definitely not the gentle-left lunacy of the Mary Tyler Moore Show any more. But the rest of the state has yet to ingest whatever Kool-Aid is on the taps in the Twin Cities, and Emmer’s remarks are an indication that not only is there some sanity, but that the sanity may yet prevail even in places with apparently terminal kookiness like the Twin Cities.

There’s another thing that gives me some hope here, and that is that the nature of a central bank digital currency is being recognized; while State Representative Emmer does not say so in so many words, he gets the main point that a central bank digital currency is nothing but a corporate coupon for good behavior in the hands of an out of control government.

That’s just another way of saying that it is a one-way mirror behind which the central bankers will be able to continue their games with no possibility of public oversight or responsibility, as Catherine Fitts has often maintained. Or to put it in terms of my alcoholic analogy, a central bank digital currency is the last refuge and rationalization of an addict, as he sneaks another jumbo beer in a paper bag in a parking lot before he goes home, where he will attempt to face a decaying home life with yet more fixes from stashed bottles of booze.

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