GREAT NEWS! The New COVID Booster Is Here! Hello? HELLO????


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

The Empire State Building in New York City was just lit up in blue and cyan, reminding Americans to get our updated Covid booster!

On Sept. 12, President Biden announced that the FDA and CDC have authorized, approved, and recommended the updated Covid booster for everyone 6 months and older.

We mentioned a few weeks ago that the White House planned to roll out a new vaccine for the fall, and it looks like they’re right on track.  This latest booster is supposed to protect against the XBB variants of Omicron.


How do the CDC classifications work?

The CDC has classified the XBB variants as Variants Being Monitored (VBM) at the current time. The most worrisome strains are variants of high consequence (VOHC), then Variants of Concern (VOC), Variants of Interest (VOI), and at the bottom, VBM.

So what does this mean?

It means even the CDC admits the variants currently making the rounds aren’t particularly dangerous.  In fact, NBC news recently ran an article saying doctors are increasingly having difficulty distinguishing the new variants from a common cold.

But this didn’t stop former Covid czar, Dr. Ashish Jha, from going on The Today Show last week to promote the newest shot.  He compares getting an annual Covid shot to getting an annual flu shot, explaining that since the viruses causing respiratory illness mutate so quickly, they need to produce updated vaccines corresponding to the circulating variant every year.  In fact, he recommends getting your Covid shot along with your annual flu shot.

But should you really?

Now, I’m not a doctor.  Of course, I’m not qualified to argue with Dr. Jha.  But Dr. Vinay Prasad is a hematologist-oncologist and professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California San Francisco, and so I would hope his opinion carries some weight.  If you want to watch an informed, entertaining takedown of Dr. Jha’s booster promotion, I strongly recommend Dr. Prasad’s 20-minute video here.


Dr. Prasad focuses on a few key points.  One is that none of Dr. Jha’s statements have any real evidence behind them.  He has no real data to back up his assertion that this round of Covid boosters will work any better than the ones in the past.  Another point of contention is that there are some key differences between the flu shots and Covid shots.  Flu vaccines have never had the catastrophic side effects associated with Covid vaccines.

Why is the US the only country recommending Covid shots for kids?

And Dr. Prasad actually begins his video with a point I’d like to discuss further, which is that the U.S. is the only country pushing these shots on children.  He notes that Germany, Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom, and Australia have all restricted the Covid shots to people above the age of 50 unless they have other health issues.

Worldwide, most other countries, as well as the World Health Organization, do not recommend Covid shots to most people under 18.

When Florida’s surgeon general Dr. Joseph Ladapo bucked the CDC’s guidelines and said that healthy people under 65 didn’t really need to worry about Covid anymore, he was excoriated in the press.  But, if you look at other physicians around the world, Dr. Ladapo is not the outlier.  He’s the normal one.

In the United Kingdom, Covid shots are only recommended for people under the age of 65 if they have underlying health conditions of if they are health care workers.

Which is more dangerous, COVID or the vaccine to prevent it?

Now, once again, I’m no medical expert, so I can’t really comment on whether the British or the Americans are more correct.  But Dr. John Campbell is a Senior Lecturer in nursing studies at the University of Cumbria.  He has also been a clinical nurse and nurse tutor for over 30 years.  His instructional books and videos have been used all over the world for decades and so, like Dr. Prasad, I would hope that his opinion carries some weight.

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