Morocco – Earthquake Preceded by Mysterious Blue Lights


by Peter Koenig, Global Research:

On 8 September 2023, a devastating 6.8 (richter) earthquake hit Morocco, mostly the Atlas region, killing more than 3,000 people, affecting more than 100,000 children according to UNICEF, and leaving thousands of people still missing within the heaps of seemingly endless rubble.

“Large lightening appears before the earthquake in Morocco with unknown causes”…. So says a brief Twitter message by Aprajita Choudhary, followed by a 9-second video clip.


Aprajita further comments:

“Once more, reports of enigmatic blue lights have surfaced, preceding seismic events in the land of Morocco. A similar phenomenon was witnessed earlier this year in Turkey, mere moments prior to earthquakes striking both Turkey and Syria.”

See this 3-minute clip – blue lights followed by devastating quake.

The Daily Mail also talks about mysterious lights just seconds before Morocco’s horrifying tremor hit. Speculations about the origins of the lights abound.

Geologists say the 6.8 magnitude quake was the biggest to hit the heart of Morocco in more than 120 years. See this.

Strange, hardly anybody from the “official” mainstream media likens it to the Turkey / Syria seismic event on 6 February 2023 (7.8 magnitude), of which a great number of seismologists and scientists strongly suspect it was a manmade – HAARP technology applied – phenomenon. HAARP stands for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program which is linked to the US Air Force.

According to HAARP’s own website, the program was conceived as

“A scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere.” And, “HAARP is the world’s most capable high-power, high-frequency transmitter…. The program is committed to developing a world-class ionospheric research facility….”

The ionosphere stretches roughly 80 to 640 km above Earth’s surface, right at the edge of space. Along with the neutral upper atmosphere, the ionosphere forms the boundary between Earth’s lower atmosphere — where we live and breathe — and the vacuum of space. (NASA)

Weather and climate phenomena are initiated at extreme – invisible – altitudes, before they play out in our life-sustaining atmosphere.

The Turkey / Syria quake death toll amounts to more than 60,000, with over half a million injured, and an area of some 350,000 km2 – about the size of Germany – damaged.

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