Dr. Ding-A-Ling: Making Us All a Little Dumber


by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

I am fussy about stupidity, and that means I have a lot to be fussy about. The amount of stupidity right now is absolutely shocking. If you ever want to really find stupid, Twitter is a wonderful place to go. Now there’s also some brilliance on Twitter. There’s a lot of good stuff on Twitter, but there’s also a lot of bad stuff. Right now, I’m looking at a guy who’s an absolute moron. His name is Eric Feigl-Ding. We are just going with Dr. Ding-a-Ling. He’s apparently an epidemiologist and health economist. Dr. Ding-a-Ling posted on Twitter last night:

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“Damnit folks–DEATHS DOUBLED, HOSPITAL TRIPLED, EMERGENCY ROOM VISITS QUADRUPLED–we are in a sharp surge in ER visits (4x), hospital admissions (3x), and even deaths (2x) due to #COVID19. It’s in the damn published data–but NOBODY in the media is talking about this numbers! Why?!?! This data is over 12 days old too–no excuse. We still have super dense folks quibbling if this is a ‘surge’ or not, and quibbling if we should even test anymore. A sharp 2x rise in deaths, and 4x rise in ER visits nothing to worry about? Don’t be a ghoul. Think of others too–have empathy for your family members, friends, and neighbors, and think of their #LongCovid risk too. Each re-infection adds to the cumulative risk of LC, which CDC says LC can last months and even YEARS!”

He goes on, but I’m going to stop here. This man is a moron. He is an absolute buffoon. I am now stupider for everything he said. This guy said there’s death and carnage everywhere, and we are all going to die. Here’s the rest of his tweet:

“Oh, and @CDCgov, try to put PREVENTION first, not just hand wave about ‘having the tools’ and merely cheap talk about ‘handwashing’ @CDCDirector Cohen! Like many other parents, my child also caught COVID early last week, and so I am a very pissed off parent. Stop putzing around–the Biden WH, CDC, states, cities, workplaces and schools all need to take this seriously. And for the love of God–use N95 masks in all hospitals/doctors offices, plus clean indoor air is not political–get HEPA filters & cheap Corsi Boxes in all schools and workplaces. I beg you.”

Dr. Ding-a-Ling is apparently the worst epidemiologist on the planet. Epidemiology is just like any other field. You can still be an epidemiologist and still be an idiot. Dr. Ding-a-Ling is an example. After talking about all of the death numbers and telling us that we all need to be wearing N95 masks, he says, “Like many other parents, my child also caught COVID early last week, and so I am a very pissed off parent.” Presumably, he has his child vaxxed to the max, wearing a mask and has HEPA filters up his rear, and his child still caught COVID. Dr. Ding-a-Ling apparently hasn’t looked or made the connection that if you’ve got the jab, you are more likely to get COVID. I’m sure he’d tell me that’s a conspiracy theory, except it’s not.

The numbers he’s talking about are all from the same people who’ve been lying to us from the beginning. The CDC numbers are garbage. If they are from our government, it’s a lie. We just had a story in the Daily Mail talking about a study that showed that 90%+ of people who were categorized as COVID deaths were not COVID deaths. That’s because of the mechanism they used for counting COVID-19 deaths. If you died with COVID, then you died from COVID on your death certificate. All of Dr. Ding-a-Lings’s data is garbage. We’ve got to call these idiots out and point out their stupidity.

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