by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

This story about the Vatican possibly entering the crypto-“currency” craze comes from M.D., to whom we are grateful for sharing it.  If it’s true, which we assume here it is for the sake of our high octane speculation and the warning that speculation contains, the story is that the Vatican, it seems, it getting ready to roll out its own crypto-currency:


Frankly, I’ve been predicting for over two decades (see the final chapter of my four volume “tome”, God, History, and Dialectic available on Lulu) that the Vatican, by dint of its papal claims, would not only be “captured” by the “New World Order,” but would lead it, and much of that thinking has in recent years only been reinforced by the emerging financial order. So I’m a bit surprised that this story took so long to appear.

But the article contains the clear reason for the Vatican to become involved with so called crypto-currencies:

The source has also verified that the new Coin will be on a public, permissionless blockchain, and will be functionally similar to Bitcoin, with a few unique features to scale to their anticipated massive adoption:

“We’re in talks with several companies, including Blockstream, for support, but right now It looks a lot like Bitcoin might in a few years. We want anyone concerned with their soul to be able to access it. Part of the transaction fees go to the Church, so people that can’t afford to tithe can contribute that way. We’re also using a thin block network that we’re equipping to handle massive activity. The Protocol architects are affectionately calling it brimstone.”

“We’ll be implementing nodes and mining hardware in every church we can practically fit the system to, and encouraging individual churches to run a digital collection plate on their nodes, and put QR codes on the bottom of their physical equivalents as well as the prayer boxes. We’re hesitant to implement smart contracts from the get-go, though, because we don’t want to send the wrong message. In the eyes of God, there’s only one Infallible entity in our world, and he can’t be expected to arbitrate complicated algorithms alone.”

There you have it.

What emerges from these few short paragraphs is something truly breathtaking, which may be summarized as follows: (1) globalism requires global currency and global instituions, (2) the Vatican is a genuinely global institution with (3) its own global claims to global authority in the papacy itself (which claims, let it be noted, are disputed by the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Coptic Church, the Nestorian Church, and the various Protestant churches, all of which at one time or another have viewed those claims as resonances of anti-christ), (4) the Vatican plans to implement a crypto-currency at the level of individual parish churches and tie it all into a system of financial clearing and transaction to enable the Church to charge a fee for transactions, (5) this transaction fee system doubtless to be tied into and coordinated by the Vatican bank.

Think of it as a kind of Papalpaypal system… on steroids.

But note what could happen here (and I strongly suspect, what will happen here): this crypto-“currency” will become a convenient basis for the exchange of currencies from one into another: it will be a more or less ecclesiastically sanctioned “unit of account” on the scale of the World Bank’s and IMF”s “Special Drawing Rights”, and thus eventually could become a currency of its own…

…and like all crypto-“currencies”, it is not a currency at all, but a corporate coupon (in this case, of the corporation of the Roman Catholic Church), and thus tied to its unique doctrines… things like indulgences, purgatory, and a system of social engineering and credits (think indulgences again) and “cancellations” like…oh, I don’t know, the Inquisition maybe?  Do what he says, or be “debanked” and lose your ability to transact… standing in the temple of God and with god-like claims…

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