Some Philosophy on the Freedom Fight


by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

When I started in this fight several years ago, when the lockdowns occurred, and the beginnings of election fraud were sown, I was certainly not red-pilled at that point. I thought I was a conservative, I was a patriot, and I knew the Democrats were the bad guys, but I had no idea how bad things really were.

Turns out things are REALLY bad.

As I was doing this and through my learning experience, I learned a lot about the nature of the fight.


The reason I want to talk about this is that, at this point, there are a lot of people trying to save our country, save our world, and fight for freedom, and they can, and we can. This isn’t a one-person thing. Collectively those who believe in freedom far outnumber those who don’t. We have the opportunity to win if we fight together. If we do not, we won’t. But what does that look like? That’s an important question to ask and to understand. Understanding the nature of the fight is critical; one thing people need to understand is you can have a million people standing beside you and still be completely alone.

This is one of the most important aspects of the fight. One of the hardest parts of fighting for freedom when we see tyranny is finding people who understand and figure out collectively what needs to be done.

It’s the battering that you take every day that is difficult. A lot of my friends who have been fighting for freedom for a long time are going to understand this. I’m going to use myself as an example, but I know this applies to others because they’ve told me. Every day I get up and do my research. I begin early reading and looking at what’s going on in every area of the freedom fight. Through the thousands of hours of research I’ve dedicated to the fight I’ve found hard evidence of things, hard evidence that I can present to court. What happens is we find new pieces of evidence that bring the need to research more, and I begin to dig and dig and dig. I find an immense amount of information, spending days and several thousands of pages reading in an effort to uncover more evidence.

Once I’ve finished researching a particular area and feel like I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole far enough, I am excited to tell someone, and instead of them agreeing with me, they look at me like I’m crazy and say, “What the hell are you talking about?” The reason is they haven’t spent the hours in research like I have. I have to be careful with how I communicate because of this. If I can’t walk people through the entire process and walk them through my research from A, B, C, to D, it’s hard to get them to understand the argument because they haven’t spent the hours in research as I have.

Why does this matter?

I’m a nobody from a little town in Ohio, and I fight hard and have a reasonable platform now (which would grow more if I wasn’t so censored), but for me, when I look at how difficult it is to get the truth out it’s crazy to me.

Now imagine if you’re General Flynn or Donald Trump, one of these guys that’s a big shot. You have the same thing going on, except you’re getting briefed by a thousand guys like me with a thousand pieces of information. They are getting this data from everywhere.

Often I find myself alone in what I know, beat up and attacked, struggling to manage all the things I know versus the things I want to do and the things that should be done because I know they’re right, and again I’m just a nobody from Ohio.

Imagine how much worse it is for Donald Trump. Trump is getting briefed, and I guarantee, has a lot more information on election fraud and a number of other topics than I do, and he’s got to try and manage them and communicate and deal with them. This, I think, is the core of what happened in 2021 with the election fraud. Trump had great information, and everyone knows there’s fraud there. However, it’s hard to prove. He had a very limited amount of time to speak out on election fraud and file cases. Laying out the A, B, C, to D of what happened was impossible.

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