A Revolution Seems Imminent


by Dr. Steve LaTulippe, America Outloud:

The destructive work of what is known as “Joe Biden’s government” is now exposed for what it really is. And Americans are getting the message! The aristocrats claim they want what’s good for the people, yet they bring only evil. They insist on fair elections while they do all they can to nullify our elections. They shout on the hilltops, “Build back better!” as they burn us down and bring forth a new dystopia. They claim they are protecting us, as the border invasion takes its toll on our people. Everywhere you look, they flash their arrogant statements before our eyes and proceed with their attempted coup d’état of America.

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Frankly, things aren’t going so well for them. Isn’t that what the wise man Solomon declared? “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18). It’s happening. The beautiful thing about this life is that we can never accurately predict the details or the final act of any staged life event. The pucker factor is known by God alone. I like that. Because what the Leftists don’t know — well, actually, they do know but reject — is that they are no more in control of this world than any person who ever walked this earth, other than Jesus Christ Himself.

The Biden misfit team knows beyond any doubt they cannot win a bonafide, free election. They know the American people don’t want to be controlled, or taxed to infinity and beyond. They refuse to be silenced and censored. The puppet regime has no good leaders, no agenda beyond the coup, and no hope for a truly better free America. The Lahaina inferno depicted accurately what the Democrat slogan “Build Back Better” really means. It is a desired fulfillment of a Communist America. It was Obama’s dream. But that isn’t the average American’s desire. Just the opposite. So, how can the progressive’s goals be realized? How must they proceed for success?

There’s only one way: they must prevent an election. How do they accomplish this? By destroying America’s only viable candidate for the White House. Put Donald Trump in prison. That’s their current goal. Swarm him with false accusations. Sue him endlessly. Eventually, something will stick. Once Trump is in prison, anything can happen, regardless of his Secret Service protectors.

The Uniparty is a desperate animal that is struggling for survival. They will do anything they must to neutralize their nemesis and lethal enemy, the businessman from New York. But there’s one problem.

The American people aren’t falling for it. Not one bit! So far, everything the Obama-Biden army has done to trip up Donald Trump has only catapulted his popularity forward with all classes and races of people. Even New Yorkers! We are all unifying as Americans, and it’s working very well to facilitate a real America First movement. We can win this election!

Wait. Not so fast. Wars are lost because leaders thought they had the cat in the bag. They got complacent and let down their guard. If this really is a People’s movement, then we must harken to all the possibilities of what might be coming. Imagine, if you will, what we on the right might consider to be our own conspiracy theories. For example, the election. Can an election be stopped? Conspiracy theory! Can Donald Trump really be deprived of a presidential candidacy? Theory! Would the left really try to impose martial law on us to stop voting? Come on! Impossible!

Oh, yeah? Think again. Do you remember those 87,000 armed IRS agents being hired? And everyone asked, why does the IRS need to be armed? What about the CIA? The FBI? Do you recall whose side they’re on? Add to this the prospect of social credit scores as a means of survival, not just social privilege. Have you heard about the Aldi Shop&Go store in Greenwich, London, that opened earlier this year? You can’t get into the store because an entrance barrier requires that you have a QR code scanned before entry. Think about where this is going. It’s digital entrapment — call it control. But that’s in England, right?

Yes, but did you know the German Aldi company, whose website boasts of their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, is purchasing Winn-Dixie and Harveys supermarket chains, a Jacksonville-based Southeastern Grocers enterprise? This will affect almost 400 stores in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi. According to Aldi’s CEO who claimed, “The time was right to build on our growth momentum and help residents in the Southeast save on their grocery bills.” Oh, really? The time might be right for globalists, not us!

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