The Disappearance of Integrity from the Western World


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

It is September and time for my quarterly request that some of you who are not monthly donors provide some financial support for this website if it is to continue.

Because of the organized suppression of facts and because of the campaigns against truth-tellers, it is increasingly difficult and risky to provide truthful accounts.  Only writers who support the official narratives are tolerated.

Retribution is becoming commonplace.  The level of retribution depends upon the level of threat the writer is perceived to present.  Julian Assange is the top level threat because of his worldwide reach via Wikileaks and his courage to publish leaks revealing war crimes and other criminal actions of the United States government.  Assange has been incarcerated without trial  in one form or another for a decade.  In recent years Assange has been held in solitary confinement in a British maximum security prison while the corrupt British legal system goes through the motions pretending to comply with British law, but always delivering the result its Washington master demands. 


This process could not make it more clear that subservience to Washington trumps the integrity of the British judicial system.  

Washington’s insensitivity to war crimes, crimes against humanity, and blatant frame-ups of innocents has brutalized the entire world’s respect for moral and ethical behavior.

Independent scientists, experts and journalists who are seen as lesser threats than Assange find themselves cancelled, de-platformed, marginalized, fired, and their medical licenses stolen for refusing to follow the deadly Covid protocols.  Just the other day Germany convicted one of the country’s own judges for listening to the expert evidence and ruling against the government’s mask mandate.  In other words, evidence that contradicts the narrative has been criminalized by the German judicial system. 

We see the same thing in the false indictments of President Trump.  What Trump is actually indicted for is questioning on the basis of real evidence the extraordinary overnight reversal in the 2020 election vote count.  Trump’s “felony” is that he raised the question of electoral fraud, a question usually raised in every election.  Remember, George W. Bush’s election was so questioned by Democrats that it had to be decided by the US Supreme Court. 

Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and James O’Keefe were fired from the organizations they created or in Taibbi’s case served as the most followed writer.  Not content with O’Keefe’s removal from his own forum, a corrupt NY prosecutor is now “investigating” O’Keefe for “mistreating employees and misspending the organization’s funds.”  Again, as in Trump’s and Assange’s cases, we see the creation of crimes out of thin air in order to silence a truth-teller dangerous to a corrupt establishment that will not let go of its illegitimate  hold on power. 

Matt Taibbi reported one year ago that YouTube censored Matt Orfalea’s factually accurate video presentation, “‘Rigged’ Election Claims, Trump 2020 vs. Clinton 2016,” demonized it as “elections misinformation,” and set itself up as legislator, prosecutor, judge, and jury by declaring Orfalea in violation of YouTube’s “criminal organizations policy.”  How does social media have integrity when social media declares careful examination of a public issue to be a criminal offense that carries a de-platforming sentence? 

Blue pill people might think they are safe as long as they keep their heads in the sand and their mouths shut.  But Taibbi says that is not the case and that the noose is tightening on every one:

“Independent media content is increasingly hard to find via platform searches, even when exact terminology, bylines, or dates are entered by users. Social media platforms that once provided effective marketing and distribution at little to no cost are now difficult to navigate even with the aid of paid boosting tools. In other words, even if your business does well enough to pay full retail rates for marketing, a widening lattice of algorithmic restriction across platforms is making distribution for non-corporate media a nightmare anyway.”

And remember Tucker Carlson, the most important and profitable media voice, was fired by Fox News for his relentless exposing of the ruling elite’s false narratives. Fox News took a huge financial hit for itself and its shareholders in its attempt to shut down an effective truth-teller. Obviously, controlling the narrative is more important than profit.

Just as the message has been made clear to Germany’s judges that judges who dispense actual justice will be imprisoned, the message has been made clear to scientists, experts, medical doctors, and independent journalists that if they tell the truth their careers and lives will be ruined.

My level of threat is being dealt with by exclusion and by libel, slander, and ad hominem attacks.  Over the weekend I was cleaning out a garage.  I came upon boxes of tapes of my television appearances on Good Morning America, the Today Show, the Brinkley show, C-Span, and all the rest.  Today I am not allowed on any American TV.  I also discovered boxes of files of my articles published in The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Business Week, the London Times, the Telegraph, TLS,  the leading French and Italian newspapers, where it is impossible for me to publish a word today.

Another way they deal with you is on website comment sections where trolls hiding behind false names and serving a variety of interests ridicule, slander, misrepresent, and demonize you in efforts to damage your credibility and scare readers away. It works on weak-minded  people who have never thought independently in their life and are fearful of differing from their blue pill peers.

As unfortunate as it is, many Americans are blue pill people.  They prefer the reassurances of a false narrative to the stresses of reality.  Reality is too much for them.  It requires more intellectual and emotional strength than they have.  They are easily led into the camp that disparages truth as misinformation. As truth is upsetting, they are delighted to have it dispensed with.

Search the Western world for integrity.  You cannot find it in any governing party.  You cannot find it in any institution, whether educational, justice, corporate, media, medical, legal. 

How does the FBI have integrity when the organization frames the President of the United States and his supporters?

How does the CIA have integrity when the organization overthrows foreign governments that do not turn their countries over to Washington and the New York Banks?

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