There are too many ‘Pigs in the Parlor’: Western civilization is sick and dying; is it too late for a deliverance?


by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

The news lately is so bizarre that I feel like I’m living in a novel or a horror movie.

We’ve got a former president and candidate for a second term who’s been indicted four times by the current presidential administration, the latest incidence punctuated with a criminal mugshot sent out across the internet. I know some of the charges are coming from the state level in New York and Georgia but it’s obvious they’re all working together with the feds to eliminate this one guy from the presidential race.


Nearly the entire island of Maui went up in flames, killing more people than any fire to hit America in 100 years, and the globalist elites are blaming it on “climate change.”

And now we’ve got a rogue government lurching toward a second round of mandates and potential lockdowns.

Natalie Winters is reporting that the federal government has already begun buying COVID-19 equipment and contracting with private consultants to enforce pandemic-era “safety protocols.”

The enforcements could begin as early as next month with mandatory face diapers.

Some of these contracts are scheduled to begin in September and October and many run through 2028. Yes, you read that right, 2028.

Watch Winters below talking about this breaking news story.

So the federal government, led by the Department of Defense, is contracting with private firms to enact fear-based Covid lockdowns 2.0. This is pure fascism — big business working with big government to oppress the people. But that’s how technocracy works.

Technocracy is much different than Marxism or communism. In a Marxist state you have government ownership of the means of production. But in a technocracy, which is the preferred model of self-appointed globalist elites at the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, Club of Rome, United Nations, et al, you have government working in public-private partnerships (PPPs) with large corporations to create, staff and enforce an all-encompassing digital surveillance state. Think of it as Naziism on a global scale with access to modern digital tracking technology. They still believe in eugenics. Still believe they are superior to the rest of us. Still believe the herd of “useless eaters” needs to be culled to a more manageable size.

It’s no accident that the globalists have rolled out their favorite satanic pseudoscientist, Dr. Anthony Fauci. In preparing minds for Covid 2.0, he now openly argues for locking down everyone who has yet to submit to his death jabs. Below, Lord Fauci speaks to us in a video interview with a Wayne State University professor in Detroit.

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