Americans No Longer Have Faith In Our Major Institutions, And So Is The Collapse Of Our Civilization Inevitable?


by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

If the American people have lost faith in almost all of our major institutions, how is our civilization going to survive?  If any collective effort is going to work, people have to believe in that effort.  That is true whether we are talking about a sports team, a business partnership, a romantic relationship or a nation as a whole.  When people stop believing, it is just a matter of time before failure arrives, and at this point the American people simply do not believe in those that are currently running our society.  In fact, a recent Gallup survey discovered that faith in our major institutions has dropped to depressingly low levels.  The survey asked people if they have a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in a long list of prominent institutions, and these were the results


Small business: 65 percent
The military: 60 percent
The police: 43 percent
The medical system: 34 percent
The church or organized religion: 32 percent
The U.S. Supreme Court: 27 percent
Banks: 26 percent
The public schools: 26 percent
The presidency: 26 percent
Large technology companies: 26 percent
Organized labor: 25 percent
Newspapers: 18 percent
The criminal justice system: 17 percent
Television news: 14 percent
Big business: 14 percent
Congress: 8 percent

For nine of those major institutions that Gallup has been tracking since 1979, the average score has dropped from 48 percent to 26 percent over that time.

And Gallup says that confidence in almost every institution is currently at or near all-time lows

Most of the institutions rated this year are within three points of their all-time-low confidence score, including four that are at or tied with their record low. These are the police, public schools, large technology companies and big business.

Only four institutions have a confidence score significantly above their historical low: the military, small business, organized labor and banks. However, the lows for these institutions were recorded more than a decade ago, while the recent trend for each has been downward.

Of course the truth is that most of our major institutions fully deserve these low scores.

Our federal government, our schools, our medical system, our major corporations and the mainstream media have all become beacons of corruption and incompetence in recent years.

Everywhere you look, society is breaking down and things are getting worse.

Let me give you one small example.  In New York City, the rat problem has become so severe that they have just held their very first “Anti-Rat Day of Action”

As New York City gets tough on its rodent problem, the first Anti-Rat Day of Action was held Saturday in Harlem.

City agencies, including the sanitation department, teamed up to show and tell people how to keep rats out of the community.

The city’s first rat czar was also on hand to provide times.

If you live in a city that needs to appoint a “rat czar”, you should probably consider moving.

According to one resident, there are “rats the size of Crocs” running around all over the place…

“We’ve had rats the size of Crocs just running up and down the street. Like a Croc shoe? A average size eight, running up and down the street,” Harlem resident Ruth McDaniels said.

Harlem is part of one of four mitigation zones in the city that will get additional funding to help combat rats.


Once upon a time, America’s shiny new cities were the envy of the entire world.

But now our major cities have degenerated into rotting, decaying hellholes.  For instance, just consider what has happened to St. Louis

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