It’s Really Happening: Mask Mandates, Contact Tracing RE-IMPLEMENTED At Colleges, Offices


by Steve Watson, Summit News:

Alex Jones was right

There are reports circulating that colleges and offices are beginning to reinstate COVID mask mandates and contact tracing despite no new cases of the virus being reported.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported Monday that Morris Brown College, a black private liberal arts college has reinstated the measures as part of a “precautionary step.”


The report notes that students and staff will all be asked to mask up while on campus, only one week after classes began.

A communication issued by the college claims there have been “reports of positive cases among students in the Atlanta University Center,” a consortium of black colleges and universities located on the western side of Atlanta.

The measures, which include social distancing, temperature checks and no large gatherings are to be in place for two weeks, it is claimed.

Infowars’ Alex Jones reported last week that restrictions were on their way back:

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