‘Unmarked Indigenous Mass Grave’ Detected Under ‘Abusive Catholic Residential School’ Excavated in Canada – Turns Out to Be Just Rocks


by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

What was hyped as an “unmarked indigenous mass grave” detected using ground-penetrating radar under an “abusive” Catholic residential school in Manitoba turned out to be nothing but rocks after an extensive four-week excavation.

Indigenous groups in Canada used tales of “mass graves” and Catholic “abuse” of indigenous youths at residential schools to collect billions in reparations from Canadian taxpayers and have been reluctant to dig up any of the suspected “mass grave” sites detected with radar — lest researchers’ belief that the “graves” are actually just rocks and tree roots be confirmed.

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They claimed digging up the suspected “mass grave” sites would trigger “intergenerational trauma” and disturb the dead.

Nonetheless, indigenous groups last month agreed to allow the excavation of a suspected mass grave site under the former Pine Creek Residential School in Manitoba.

“Spiritual advisers led a pipe ceremony when the search began and a sacred fire was lit nearby to ensure elders, survivors and intergenerational survivors felt supported,” Canadian state broadcaster CBC reported.

“The First Nation, northwest of Winnipeg, hired an archeological team from the University of Brandon to do the excavation earlier this summer,” CBC continued. “It is the same team that assists police on archeological digs and excavations in the province.”

“No evidence of human remains” was found during the investigation, CBC reported.

“Fourteen anomalies were detected using ground-penetrating radar in the basement of the church on the site of the former Pine Creek Residential School last year,” CBC said. “Survivors had spoken about ‘horror stories’ in the basement.”

Chief Derek Nepinak of Minegoziibe Anishinabe said the revelation should take “nothing away from the difficult truths experienced by our families who attended the residential school in Pine Creek.”

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