Watch: Pfizer Exec Admits Employees Got Private Batch of COVID Shots


by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

During Monday’s episode of “The Kim Iversen Show,” journalist and political commentator Kim Iversen played video clips of visibly outraged Australian senators grilling Pfizer executives who appeared to evade questions about COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy.

During a hearing held last week in the Australian Senate, Pfizer executives admitted Australia-based staff were provided a separate, private batch of the COVID-19 vaccine. They also conceded they don’t know why the vaccines cause myocarditis and pericarditis.


Pfizer Australia and New Zealand’s country medical director, Dr. Krishan Thiru, and head of regulatory sciences, Dr. Brian Hewitt, appeared before the Education and Employment Legislation Committee, which is investigating the COVID-19 vaccine rollout as part of the Australian parliamentary inquiry.

During Monday’s episode of “The Kim Iversen Show,” journalist and political commentator Kim Iversen played video clips of visibly outraged senators grilling the Pfizer executives — who often provided evasive answers — about issues related to the vaccine rollout.

In one clip, Senator Matthew Canavan asked repeatedly if Pfizer tested whether or not the vaccine could stop or reduce transmission prior to the vaccine rollout in 2020.

Thiru responded by doubling down on claims that the vaccine is “safe and effective.”

“Senator, as with all vaccines seeking regulatory authorization, the requirement is to demonstrate in robust clinical programs that the vaccine is safe and effective in preventing the infection and in this case in preventing severe disease and hospitalization,” he said.

Thiru refused to provide a “yes or no” response to Canavan’s repeated probes.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, in late 2020 said the pharma giant was “not certain” if those who receive its mRNA vaccine will be able to transmit COVID-19 to other people.

But in January 2021, Pfizer was promoting the idea that the vaccines stopped transmission. Chief Nerd retweeted Pfizer’s 2021 Tweet:

Senator Gerard Rennick asked the executives to explain their claim that the vaccines were “unequivocally safe” given that, according to the Pfizer non-clinical report:

“There were no carcinogenic tests, no genotoxic toxicity tests, no immunotoxicity tests, no iteration studies, interactions studies with other medicines, no longitudinal studies and I note that in regards to pregnancy and lactation that studies were conducted on rats.”

Hewitt insisted there had been a “very careful assessment of the benefits and risks.”

Rennick asked, given that Pfizer didn’t recognize myocarditis and pericarditis as side effects at the time of vaccine rollout, whether they now understand why the vaccine causes those conditions. If not, he added, how could Pfizer guarantee the vaccine isn’t also damaging other organs?

Thiru maintained that the number of reported cases of myocarditis and pericarditis remains small.

All medications have benefits and side effects, Thiru told the senators. “Looking at the totality of the evidence for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, regulatory authorities, health authorities, experts globally, including in Australia within the Department of Health and the TGA [Therapeutic Goods Administration], have maintained that the benefit-risk ratio [is favorable]… ”

But Thiru was unable to respond to Rennick’s question regarding the biochemical pathways that cause myocarditis and pericarditis.

Iversen said:

“The fact that they don’t know why it causes myocarditis and pericarditis is extremely alarming, because how can they then tell us confidently that these other vaccines they’re rolling out … ‘don’t worry it’s totally safe’?”

The next “bombshell,” Iversen said, came when they admitted that staff at Pfizer in Australia did not receive the same vaccine batch as the Australian general public.

The Australian TGA, which tested all of the COVID-19 vaccines in the country, did not test the vaccine given to Pfizer employees.

“Pfizer undertook to import our vaccines specifically for the employee vaccination program and that was so that no vaccine would be taken from government stocks that was being delivered to clinics as needed,” Hewitt explained.

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