“Big Pharma Dissident Kingston Claims Forced to Flee Country To Save Life,” Diana West


by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin, America Outloud:

Karen Kingston appeared on our former TV show, ReFounding America, on Brighteon.com in March1 and then April2 of 2023. We liked and admired her, and I recall that she was a powerful reformer but not yet feeling the confidence that I encouraged her to have. She was coming up with new and important questions and information3 about the science and politics surrounding COVID, and exploring what seem like forbidden areas, such as nanoparticles.

Like many people, Karen was unnerved by Robert Malone’s attacks on good members of the health freedom movement, by his threats to use lawsuits, and by his $25 million lawsuit against us.

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Ginger and I last spoke to Karen Kingston on Zoom, on July 23rd, 2023. We had scheduled an hour radio interview with her. Karen was coughing as she signed onto the interview, declaring that she was in Florida at a newly leased apartment that had either been sprayed by an exterminator or someone was poisoning her, and she didn’t know whom to trust. She said she had to get out of that apartment and couldn’t do the interview. We urged her to take care of herself as she signed off. Although we texted her later to ask how she was and to offer any assistance, we did not hear back from her.

Also, on July 23rd, Karen published her substack titled “Unlocked: The Intelligent and Brave Have Been Waiting for this Weapon.”4 In it, she declared:

If we don’t stop the use of mRNA nanoparticle technologies NOW, our family lineage will end with those who are alive today or born in the next 5 years.

You can’t win a war if don’t know what weapons are being used against you. The weapons causing the greatest amount of harm to American adults and children today are engineered nanoparticles, specifically COVID-19 nanoparticle injections that government agencies refer to as ‘vaccines.’

We know the World Health Organization plans on deploying another PHEIC (public health emergency of international concern) and mandating the deployment and administration of nanoparticle bioweapon injections into the arms of billions of global civilians.

As Americans, what do we do?! How do we stop this ongoing criminal experimentation disabling our friends and family and destroying of our posterity?

The answer is simple. It’s not easy, but it’s simple. Remove the weapons from our communities. Empower and mobilize law enforcement to remove the COVID-19 nanoparticle injections from your county starting with this DEMAND letter. Every law enforcement authority across America has the authority to remove the COVID-19 nanoparticle injections from every community.

Karen Kingston declared that the use of mRNA nanoparticle technologies must be stopped, now, and had been implementing a program on how to do so from the ground up with the help of local law enforcement.5

Back in the spring of 2023, when we interviewed her twice, Karen told us that Malone had not personally contacted her, but instead, he had sent two very powerful people in the freedom and COVID resistance movement, one after the other, to contact her and to ask that she talk with Malone and resolve their differences. Having two such powerful men contact her meant that Malone was watching her and was troubled about her. Knowing Malone was suing us for $25 million and that he was threatening people, having his emissaries phoning her had to feel like a major threat.

Karen Kingston Is in Hiding

Now Karen has gone into hiding. She recorded a video on August 9th expressing dread that Malone or CIA contacts might be behind an attempt to physically harm her.6

Diana West responded on August 11th to Karen Kingston’s video with the following illuminating observations:7

The sun is shining, the grass is mown and I am watching the brilliant pharma expert Karen Kingston say she has been “poisoned multiple times,” has fled the country, and is “a dead woman walking.”

Comprehending these terrifying details in this way, in this format, a selfie video, is a challenge. I think about how, if I were to have read Kingston’s urgent story in a newspaper (back when I read newspapers), it would have quickly registered more concretely. As in …. headline: “Big Pharma Dissident Kingston Claims Forced to Flee Country To Save Life.” Wow! What? In the interview with Kingston from her haven in Mexico (“they already know I’m here”), the dissident-activist said Ernest Luque, a highly rated security contractor, had told her she has only a 50/50 chance of survival of assassination. Kingston believes the US government and Big Pharma are trying to silence her in-depth reporting on the nano-tech-intricacies of the so-called C19 vaccines — which are, in fact, bioweapons deployed by the US military against the people of the world — as well as her detailed strategy for fighting back against genocide by enlisting county sheriffs to use their lawful powers.

Problem is, of course, there is no newspaper or network in our hell on earth that would carry such a story — not when the MSM are on auto-control to stop important news, narrative-contradicting news, from escaping into the atmosphere.  

So we watch the video Kingston has simply uploaded to Rumble. We hear her apologize for looking haggard and for not speaking properly (something about ingesting an aerosol in her room?). We listen as she tells us that our government is acting like international terrorists and Pfizer is acting like a drug cartel — which no one can argue with. We look on as she expresses her grave concerns about Dr Robert Malone, his connections to the so-called Deep State — the same Deep State she believes is threatening her life — and more.

You must watch the video and make of it what you will for yourself. Just remember something. The history of repression is filled with dissidents fleeing, hiding, disappearing, and dying. Only usually, we don’t get to see the haunted look in their eyes.

Robert Malone Responds to Karen Kingston

Malone has responded to Karen Kingston’s video in an extensive column.8 He boasts that he found and contacted Karen’s brother, Ron Kuchler, persuading him to write a letter for Malone to use, telling Kuchler’s sister, Karen, and the world, that she is in emotional or medical trouble and needs to come home. Karen’s brother has now posted his August 12th statement on his own Substack in addition to providing it to Malone.9 In the statement which Malone republished, Karen’s brother said:

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