PSYOP-19 Blowback: US Suicides Hit an All-Time High Last Year


by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd smartest Guy in the World:

In Pfizer’s data one of the listed DEATHVAX™ side effects was suicide. During the first year of the “pandemic,” The Center for Disease Crimes (CDC) claimed that suicides decreased:

According to an article by AP, around 49,500 people committed suicide last year in the U.S. That is the highest number ever, according to the latest government data.


The theory as to why there was a drop in suicides in 2020 was presented by the AP in their 2021 article, US suicides dropped last year, defying pandemic expectations:”

It is hard to say exactly why suicide deaths dropped so much, but one factor may be a phenomenon seen in the early stages of wars and national disasters, some experts suggested.

“There’s a heroism phase in every disaster period, where we’re banding together and expressing lots of messages of support that we’re in this together,” said Dr. Christine Moutier, chief medical officer of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. “You saw that, at least in the early months of the pandemic.”

The other component of said “heroism” was that it was far easier to generate fraudulent datasets by officials that were classifying all mortalities, not limited to suicide, as COVID-19 deaths so long as their fraudulent PCR tests (set at greater than 35 cycles) were “detecting” viral presence.

And now, just like all cause mortality post the slow kill bioweapon rollout has exploded, so too have suicides:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which posted the numbers, has not yet calculated a suicide rate for the year, but available data suggests suicides are more common in the U.S. than at any time since the dawn of World War II.

As per life insurance actuaries, all cause mortality has eclipsed death rates of WW2 and Vietnam combined

GAME OVER: The Latest Society of Actuaries (SOA) Group Life COVID-19 Mortality Survey Report

23 AUGUST 2022
GAME OVER: The Latest Society of Actuaries (SOA) Group Life COVID-19 Mortality Survey Report

The below charts compiled by actuaries offer incontrovertible proof that all of the SADS, “inexplicable coincidences,” and soaring all-cause mortality have been caused by… The global death rate for year of the “pandemic” 2020 was 0.76%. Global death rates for non-pandemic years 2018 and 2019 were…0.76%.

…with suicides now trending similarly.

Instead of blaming criminal “mandates” and “vaccines,” the Mockingbird AP further politicizes (i.e. lies) the tragic trend by going full anti-2A:

But a main driver is the growing availability of guns, said Jill Harkavy-Friedman, senior vice president of research at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Suicide attempts involving guns end in death far more often than those with other means, and gun sales have boomed — placing firearms in more and more homes.

Gun sales boomed precisely because of illegal “mandates,” as well as the installation of an antigun senile diaper soiling ice cream licking pedo puppet criminal in “Biden.”

The article goes on to state a curious racial factoid:

A recent Johns Hopkins University analysis used preliminary 2022 data to calculate that the nation’s overall gun suicide rate rose last year to an all-time high. For the first time, the gun suicide rate among Black teens surpassed the rate among white teens, the researchers found.

The AP does not appreciate that many of those Black teens did not legally acquire their guns, and were residing in Marxist-run cities with the most draconian anti-2A gun laws in the nation.

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