Niger Blasts NATO’s Global Narrative Wide Open


by Declan Hayes, Strategic Culture:

Niger’s recent coup follows similar coups in nearby Mali, Burkina Faso, and Guinea, each of which was led by military leaders opposed to the presence of French and U.S. occupation troops stationed there to ensure NATO’s continued economic rape of their respective homelands.

The Sahel, the region of Africa housing these four (and other coup-prone) countries, has been assailed with a number of economic factors, which have combined to give us this current stand-off between those military leaders on the one hand and the NATO war machine and its regional auxiliaries on the other.


These factors include Africa’s ballooning population, which has put increased pressure on the relatively small part of Africa’s abundant resources, which the locals are allowed subsist from; ever increasing droughts, which have increased tribal tensions over grazing lands; NATO’s increasing recourse to their ISIS card to justify both their military presence and their economic pillage of the region; and, finally, the mass migration towards Europe and concomitant crimes which NATO’s destruction of the entire region has caused.

Although Western economists and their regional apologists have proposed all sorts of self-serving solutions to these inter-twined problems, Niger’s coup leaders believe they must first rid the region of the French and American military and then boot out their fifth columnists in the military, the media and the NGOs.

Most fair-minded people would say that the coup leaders have a good argument, and one that is boosted by the widespread public support they enjoy and the deplorable track record of the French and American vultures who hover over them.

Their local opposition include such NATO stalwarts as Senegal’s political mafia, who rant that the loss of democracy in Niger is a casus belli, even as they jail their own opposition, ban their parties, and scrub them from the internet.

This “Coalition of the Willing” gang of collaborators in headed by Nigeria’s Bola Tinubu, who first made his millions laundering the profits of the CIA’s Chicago heroin dealers before returning to Lagos where he has been involved in almost every one of the never-ending major scams that plague that resource-rich country. When Niger’s leaders tell that bum to first clean up his own domestic mess, they have a point.

And it is one that the locals right across Africa see, along with the faux demands for human rights NATO’s proxies dutifully bleat when prodded by their masters to do so. Now that Uganda has discovered huge gold reserves, long time MI6 asset Peter Tatchell is bleating away about the hard life minor attracted persons have in Uganda. Nothing, of course, about the ordinary hard working Ugandan or Rwandan, who is under the boot of MI6’s Paul Kagame, a bosom buddy of Tony Blair and a major sponsor of, of all things, Arsenal Football Club.

Wherever we or, more importantly, Africans look, we see the same hoary hands all over that vast land mass and, in the Sahel, those hands are primarily those of France and the cut throats of the French Foreign Legion, whose duty it is to put all African upstarts to the sword.

And, make no mistake about it, if the French decide to go in hard, they will prevail. In previous spats in what they pompously see as their own African backyard, they wiped out the air force of the Ivory Coast in a matter of minutes. There is absolutely no way Niger and her allies, even with Algeria getting involved from the north, can prevail in a conventional war. NATO has been down this road many times before and they know how to engineer such catastrophes to their advantage.

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