See how (what calls itself) “the left” today is nothing but a bio-fascist lynch mob


by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:

Two ugly moments, one from 1957 and one from just the other day, together tell us that America—and all the “democratic” West—is in an even darker place than they were then


A scene that shocked good liberals in America in 1957:

A scene that doesn’t shock “good liberals” in America today:

As ugly as that moment was in 1957, the story of Elizabeth Eckford’s harrowing first day at school in Little Rock took a surprising turn, when Hazel Bryan, the little brunette screeching hate at Eckford’s back, got over it, and eventually befriended her black classmate—a change that, in its small way, showed the wisdom of the fight for integration that the left back then helped wage.

“The left” today is obviously something else—a mob that stands for segregation (of the races, under the spell of CRT, and of the “unvaccinated”), as well as censorship (today’s ACLU is a “woke” propaganda mill), and—not least—misogyny, since they hate women, and girls, who dare stand up for their own athletic competitions, as well as their own spaces (locker rooms, shelters; prisons) free from men, who—however they “identify,” and whatever drugs and surgeries they pay for—simply can’t be women.

That such demands are now offensive to “the left,” who push “trans rights” at the expense of natural women (half the human race), shows that, for all their “social justice” rhetoric, they are, in fact, (like ACT UP in the Eighties) the shock troops of the medical-industrial complex, Big Pharma’s “woke” SA.

Does any of those protestors who turned out to scream at little girls have it in them to change their hearts and minds, as Hazel Bryan did? I could be wrong, but I think not, because they’re too far gone.

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