The War Against British Farmers


by TheDarkMan, The Duran:

In case you didn’t realise it, there is a war on British farmers, a war on farmers everywhere. We can argue about who is behind it, the World Economic Forum, the Illuminati, the Elders of Zion, or Xi Jinping, but there is no doubt it is happening, and unless we do something about it PDQ, the best we can hope for is massive inflation. The worst that can happen is unthinkable.


Mahyar Tousi is a popular London-based vlogger whose YouTube channel recently exceeded 300,000 subscribers and is still growing slowly. Recently, he visited a farm in Devon, a farm near Salisbury, and a farm in Essex to speak to the people who feed us. The subjects discussed range from the insane Net Zero to crushing regulations to the expansion of ULEZ

These are short videos that speak for themselves so watch them and make up your own mind. You might also find this recent article of interest and this one.

There is now plenty of information on-line about what is happening globally and what us plebs are doing to fight back against it. A good first port of call is The Epoch Times, including its YouTube channel Facts Matter.

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