Musk Right About Calls for White Genocide In South Africa. Coming to An America Near You?


by James Fulford, The Unz Review:

South African-born entrepreneur Elon Musk tweeted in response to a video of black South Africans chanting “Kill The Boer” (not for the first time) that

They are openly pushing for genocide of white people in South Africa. @CyrilRamaphosa, why do you say nothing?


Elon Musk, though white, is an African-American in the sense that he’s an American who was born in Africa—something that has been claimed by the white Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of Senator John Kerry, born in Portuguese East Africa, and educated at a convent school in South Africa, who reportedly dared to callherself “African-American” in front of black audiences [The Candidate’s Wife, by Judith Thurman, New Yorker, September 19, 2004].

But white people are not “supposed” to be in Africa, according to the Liberal Consensus, so it’s OK to oppress them.

In Time To Rethink Immigration, National Review, June 22, 1992, Editor Peter Brimelow pointed out the effect that ethnicity has on politics:

These political consequences need not threaten the integrity of the state (polity)—just its foreign policy.

Thus domestic ethnic-group pressure clearly plays a role in Washington’s essentially contradictory attitudes to the white settler communities of southern Africa and the Middle East.

That’s a delicate way of saying that the US Government was willing to betray its former allies in Rhodesia and white-ruled South Africa to dispossession or death, but doesn’t seem likely to do anything of the sort to Israel.

In now black-ruled South Africa, whites are frequently savagely murdered by blacks, especially if they live on isolated farms.

This is just the most recent example: Kenn Gividen, who covers black-on-white murders in America, also has a monthly report on South African Farm Murders, which are still illegal, and sometimes punished—although never with the death penalty. (One of the first acts of the Constitutional Court of the “liberated” South Africa in 1995 was to abolish the death penalty—after which the murder rate exploded.)

It’s considered racist to raise what’s happening to whites in South Africa—or so says Ishaan Tharoor in the Washington PostElon Musk raises the specter of ‘white genocide’, August 1, 2023.

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