Overwhelming Proof The 2020 Election Was An Illegal Coup To Accelerate The Destruction Of America Under The Totally Illegitimate ‘Biden Crime Syndicate’ To Mind-Boggling Speeds And Carry Out The Mass Murders Of Americans


by Rob Pue, All News Pipeline:

The big call during the last presidential election was to “Build Back Better.” That was the theme of the campaign of the illegitimate regime currently occupying the White House. Not surprisingly, it just happens to be the same theme of the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” agenda as well.

But in order to “build back” — for better or worse — you first have to “tear down.” And that’s exactly what we’ve been seeing over the last decade or so and this “tearing down” of America has accelerated to a mind-boggling speed.

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I could go back much further, but let’s start with the election year of 2020. The country was devastated as groups like ANTIFA and the now-disgraced Black Lives Matter movement recruited and paid people to riot, burn, loot and destroy many of our nation’s cities. Anarchy was everywhere — but it wasn’t to protest the unconstitutional edicts of those who orchestrated the COVID scam-demic — it was over racial division, fueled by intense hatred, and like the scam-demic this racial strife was also highly orchestrated. 

In Seattle, anarchists took control of eight city blocks for nearly a month, declaring the area to be a “sovereign nation,” known as “CHAZ” and later “CHOP.” Yet they still demanded plenty of “free stuff” from the federal government. Ironically, the first thing these so-called “peaceful protestors” did — (all favoring open borders for the United States, by the way) — was erect a wall — to protect their imaginary sovereign nation. The Seattle mayor likened the situation to a “festive block party,” though the area was run by a “rapper” who was also a drug dealer and sex trafficker and there was daily violence. 

While the rest of the country was forced to “social distance,” the same rules didn’t apply to those who were systematically destroying our cities. They were allowed to maraud by the thousands and freely throw bricks through the windows of local businesses. Pallet loads of bricks were found to have been placed on city streets across the country just prior to many of the worst attacks. Who paid for them and had them placed there? I can only guess, but suffice to say that many of our federal three-letter agencies have been caught red-handed orchestrating nefarious deeds since then.


In Washington DC, in the midst of the destruction, a street across from the White House was renamed “Black Lives Matter Plaza” in record time. The former street sign was removed, and a new street sign went up within a couple of days. Under normal circumstances, any such move would take months — even just to have a street sign made — to say nothing of the amount of time it would take a city council to approve such a change. I believe the sign had already been manufactured and was ready for installation even before the riots began.

And as businesses and neighborhoods across the country were being utterly destroyed, law enforcement was ordered to “stand down” and let it all burn. Crowds of rioters numbered in the thousands in some areas — and mainstream media reporters continued to lie to our faces calling these “mostly peaceful protests,” even as police cars and buildings were shown in flames in the background. We were well trained by the brainwashers to not believe our own eyes. 

Then, of course, the words “Black Lives Matter” were allowed to be painted in 20-foot-tall letters on city streets. Anyone who interfered — including a black lady who saw this purposely-incited race war for the sham it was — was immediately arrested for daring to try to stop the madness. I should also mention the countless statues and monuments of our American history and heritage that were either vandalized, destroyed, or just removed by government edict.

Let’s not forget that while all this was going on, businesses and churches that were considered “non-essential” were forced to close. People were forced to wear masks wherever they went, encouraged not to go anywhere. Many were injured by police as they were forcibly arrested for non-compliance…even if they were caught not wearing a mask while on the beach, riding a bike or sitting in a public park. Playgrounds had their equipment roped off or covered in orange plastic fencing to assure children couldn’t play outdoors.

We were forced to stand six feet apart, follow the arrows on the floor at Walmart, and stand on little circles — six feet apart — when you went anywhere that was open. One home improvement company even had armed guards at the door to assure everyone was wearing a mask. If you didn’t have one, they’d sell you one. If you still refused to comply, police were called, and people were arrested.

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