Reducing ‘Carbon Emissions’ Does Nothing to ‘Fight Global Warming,’ Study Shows


by Frank Bergman, SlayNews:

A new study has disputed claims that reducing “carbon emissions” on Earth is vital for tackling so-called “global warming.”

Advocates of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) green agenda claim that humans are contributing to an alleged “man-made climate crisis” due to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The WEF and the organization’s globalist allies argue that the public must drastically slash their quality of life to fight “global boiling” by reducing “carbon emissions.”


To meet the WEF’s “Net Zero” goals for “carbon emissions” as laid out in the Paris Climate Accord, the general public will be required to give up travelend consumption of meat and dairy products, stop reproducingsurrender privacypay higher taxes, and live in “cashless societies.”

However, while global elites and the corporate media continue to push the fearmongering anti-carbon narrative, the claims always fall flat when confronted by dreaded facts and historical data.

A group of Korean scientists has just tested the claims to see whether cutting the amount of carbon in the atmosphere would automatically lead to lower temperatures.

In the study, the researchers simulated how removing large amounts of carbon would affect the progress of local climate changes related to global warming.

Computer modeling looked at the hypothetical scenario in which “carbon dioxide concentrations continued to rise from present-day levels for 140 years, then were gradually reduced back to the initial levels over another 140-year period,” according to

The study results suggest that the local climate in these areas would not return to normal for more than 200 years after the carbon dioxide concentrations drop.

The Mediterranean region, for example, plagued by ever more severe heatwaves, droughts and wildfires, would continue to suffer and could become even drier, the study found.

In the study, the researchers modeled the changes to the air circulation pattern called the Hadley Cell, which transports moisture from the equatorial regions toward the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, which lie at about 23.5 degrees north and south of the equator, respectively.

Scientists have known for years that the Hadley Cell circulation responds to climate change by expanding toward the poles.

The humid air that rises from around the equator gets dumped back to Earth at higher and higher latitudes, causing worsening droughts in subtropical regions.

The problem, according to the modeling, is that the Hadley Cell doesn’t recover its original shape and extent even after another 220 years.

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