Why Are Leftists Easy to Control? I Have an Answer


by Kevin Downey Jr, PJ Media:

The recent ruckus over Jason Aldean’s song, “Try That in a Small Town,” is yet another reminder of one of the stark differences between patriotic Americans and lefty cucks: libs are easy to control.

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Aldean’s video was shot against the background of a courthouse, in front of which a black man named Henry Choate was allegedly lynched almost 100 years ago. The courthouse played no part in the attack.

Angry leftists seem to not care that New York City’s Washington Square Park — a popular spot for NYU students, drug dealers, gay pride agitators, and transgender rights rioters — is the scene where a 19-year-old slave woman named Rose Butler was hanged for allegedly trying to burn down her owner’s house. I guess they were told not to feign outrage on their own turf.

Aldean isn’t the only artist to film at the Tennessee courthouse.

Where are the angry attacks on Hannah Montana?

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