Betrayer-in-Chief Forces Family to Pay $60,000 to Ship Body of Marine Killed During Regime’s Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal


by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

As billions of American taxpayer dollars are filtered through Ukrainian aid into the pockets of oligarchs, the Biden-Harris regime’s Pentagon forced the family of a heroic U.S. Marine killed during combat to pay $60,000 to ship her body home.


The family of Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole L. Gee wanted her remains to finally rest at Arlington National Cemetery but were shocked to learn of a new policy change in Biden’s Pentagon that put the burden on them. Republican Congressman Cory Mills, a veteran, brought the news to light after hearing the report from families.

Mills’ office noted that the defense department was allowed to decline to pay for the transportation of Gee’s body due to last year’s change to the National Defense Authorization Act.

Honoring Our Fallen, a non-profit that helps families of fallen American service members, covered the cost of having Gee’s body transported.

While this atrocity from the regime is just the latest example showing how they hate actual American heroes while adoring transvestites in Ecuador, it should also act as a reminder to all Americans. We must be as self-sufficient as possible. Rely on government for nothing that’s not absolutely within their realm of control. They should do little more than defend the border and fix potholes. Unfortunately, they’re sadly inept at both.

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