A Total Destruction of the Political Center. Does Anyone Speak for You?


by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

Eurointelligence has an interesting article about the vanishing center in Germany. The US is no different, and arguably worse.

Squeezed Left and Right

Let’s briefly discuss Germany before turning attention to the US.

Please consider Squeezed Left and Right.

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There has been a shocking poll in Thuringia, the only German state run by a prime minister of the Left Party, and also a stronghold of the AfD. The poll is about the impact of a potential new party led by Sahra Wagenknecht, the most flamboyant of all Left Party MPs, who has fallen out with her colleagues over Ukraine and immigration. She is pro-Russia and anti-immigrant, positions that put her much closer to the AfD than the Left Party.

The poll puts her in the lead in the state at 25%, followed by the AfD at 22% and the Left Party at 18%. German journalists have focused on the extent to which she could cannibalize the AfD’s vote. What they did not point out is the far more worrying statistics that two thirds of the people polled in Thuringia are supporting extremist parties. Even if the centrist parties all join up, it will not be possible for them to form a government.

As Die Welt pointed out, the nomination of Rackete could be a problem for the Greens, who have come under increasing criticism from left-wing action groups. Die Welt writes that the strategy of the Left Party is no longer to portray itself as the left-wing alternative of the SPD, but as a left-wing alternative to the Greens. There are a lot of frustrated environmentalists in Germany.

The only constant in German politics right now is the disappointment with the government, and the weakness of Friedrich Merz.

Let’s now turn our attention to the US, starting with Democrats. Don’t worry, Republicans are next.

How Biden Compares With Past Presidents

Image courtesy of 535, red checkmark mine.

Congratulations to president Biden for polling better than Jimmy Carter.

The irony is obvious. Inflation is higher under Biden than any president since Carter.

US Centrists, Where Art Thou?

President Biden campaigned as a centrist and a healer. He has been neither. He is the Progressive’s wet dream candidate, so much so that the majority of Democrats do not want him to run.

For starters, Biden nominated an outright Marxist for comptroller of the currency.

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