Celebrity Doc and TV show “vaccination expert” Dr. Alfredo Victoria DIES SUDDENLY at just 42 years young after getting deadly mRNA jab


by S.D. Wells, Natural News:

A frequent guest on the “Mexico Today” show, Dr. Alfredo Victoria, died suddenly at the ripe age of 42 from a myocardial infarction, even though he was said to be in perfect health, with no pre-existing medical conditions. Doctor Alfredo had become quite popular as the “vaccine expert” as he repeatedly pushed everyone to get the mRNA vaccines, as most “public health specialists” seem to do these days, with no science to back up their claims of “safe and effective.”

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Dr. Alfredo often administered Fauci Flu jabs live on air to staff members of the Mexico Today show, trying to prove how great they are if nobody dies on the spot from spike protein syndrome, myocardial infarction, or a stroke. Doc Alfredo pushed HARD for all of his 440,000 Instagram followers to get fully vaccinated for Covid-19, plus more of the same non-evidence-based propaganda on his TikTok platform. He also ran a website called “provaccines.com,” creating a total misinformation hub for the Wuhan Flu jab, since none of the jabs have proven to have benefits greater than the risks.

Dr. Alfredo did not paint a clear picture for why he was so adamant about his followers and fans getting the dangerous spike protein stabs

Like most of the vaccine fanatics and propagandists, promoters of all vaccines in general, especially including the Wuhan virus gene mutation injections, the so-called “reasoning” for getting them is always the same, “follow the science” and because they are all “safe and effective.” Sadly, they are NOT safe nor effective, as their track record and solid data reveals, plus following the science shows us that neither Pfizer nor Moderna ever ran proper clinical trials on their shots, and the FDA never really approved any of the jabs for humans.

Thus, having promoted the Covid jabs so adamantly, Dr. Alfredo’s “legacy” is now tarnished by this, as it is for so many others who push dangerous and deadly spike protein injections that cause vascular clotting, myocarditis, pericarditis, and Long-Vax-Syndrome.

Though nobody can prove Dr. Alfredo’s heart failed due to spike proteins clogging his vascular system (except an autopsy), it’s quite strange how so many people are dying “suddenly” who are perfectly healthy before they get the clot shot(s).

Vaccine awareness sure is an issue, but not as most people perceive it to be. Most people think the misinformation and disinformation out there is spread by natural health advocates who disapprove of injecting known neurotoxins and experimental DNA-altering “technology” into their body, but it’s really the “pro-science” sheeple and their pharma masters (doctors, nurses, and “vaccine experts”) who are pushing the bad information out all over social media, mainstream media, and in the doctors offices, school systems, daycare centers, and hospitals.

Dr. Victoria is not the only celebrity or athlete to die recently just after getting a deadly Covid jab, because professional basketball player Oscar Cabrera died at just 28 years young after reportedly blaming heart issues on the dreaded Pfizer vaccine he got, plus Bodybuilder and author Doug Brignole, an apparently perfectly healthy man, died just months after he took the vaccine.

Wait, there’s more. Congressional candidate Richard Rowe, who was notorious for criticizing “anti-vaxxers” online, died shortly after receiving his “clot shot” Pfizer jab. Folks, the numbers are insane. Follow the science and it all tells you to avoid the Covid jabs like the plague.

Bookmark Vaccines.news to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental gene therapy injections that lead directly to vascular clots, hypertension, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, strokes, and … death.

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