by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:
We have known for quite some time that the slow kill bioweapon injections induce SADS, VAIDS, prion-based diseases, cardiac damage, turbo cancers, etc.
Last week the cancer data was truly horrifying:
BOMBSHELL: Just Released American Cancer Society Annual Report On Cancer Showed 11.5% Excess Cases
This Substack has been covering the surging rise in DEATHVAX™ induced adverse events and VAIDS, with a particular emphasis on the phenomenon referred to as turbo cancer. And now we have even more evidence of the slow kill bioweapon democide: Charts from the above Tweet:
We now have the companion dataset for heart damage in younger persons (ages 0-54), and it is truly alarming :
Precisely because the DEATHVAX™ and associated boosters do not deliver a linear payload in terms mortality, we can extrapolate that the various adverse events over time will only become worse. Much, much worse…
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