Who in Hell Gives the UN, WHO and the EU the Right to Impose Digital Vaxx Certificates?


by Peter Koenig, Global Research:

The answer imposes itself: The devil himself. Because there is no international law allowing such human tyranny. This is an elite-made “rules-based order” striking down any dictatorial, military-enforced command on humanity.

That’s what the West has become since the Covid fraud, an empire led by evil itself.

The West has not just become a sea of criminal institutions, if not stopped NOW, it will continue with its drive to complete its eugenics and transhumanism agenda – way before 2030.

We, the People, must stand up NOW against this tyrannical attempt by foremost three key institutions to dominate, enslave and tyrannize to death most of the commons of world populations.

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These institutions are:

first, the United Nations (UN) created with the aim to help resolve conflicts among countries and preserve peace in the world;

second, the so-called World Health Organization (WHO) which is everything but a defender of world health – because it is by over 80% funded by big pharma and by the genocidal type-criminal Bill Gates Foundation; and

third, by arguably one of the most corrupt institutions in the world, the European Union, with its unelected head, the European Commission (EC).

The EC calling the shots for 27 member countries, virtually all of whom are led by co-opted, utterly immoral leaders, graduates from the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) academy for Young Global Leaders (YGL).

They have not just by accident been “democratically” elected to lead all of the 27 EU countries. These “elections” were and continue to be “manufactured and manipulated”, if We, the People, do not open our eyes and call STOP. Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence (AI) work wonders.

Democracy has ceased to exist long ago in the West, if, indeed, it ever existed. With its horrendous, exploitative and murderous colonial past, going a half a millennium back, the West, notably Europe, the roots of the West are anchored, has certainly never had an inkling and want for democracy.

To the contrary. But using the term democracy as a propaganda tool is perfect and has worked up to today. It even helps the European key colonizers to continue their dirty colonization in disguise.

These three agencies, UN, WHO, EU / EC, are all in bed with the WEF.

Or better, they are led by individuals compromised by the WEF.

UN Secretary General Guterres, is a close ally of WEF’s CEO Klaus Schwab,

Ursula Von der Leyen is on the Board of Trustees of the WEF,

and WHO’s Director General Mr. Tedros has been chosen and imposed by Bill Gates in the position he currently holds.

Gates is a strong supporter and ally of the WEF. Tedros was before a member of the Board of GAVI, the Vaxx-Alliance closely associated with WHO and which is physically located across the street from WHO in Geneva; and has of course immunity and a tax-free status in protective Switzerland.

The WEF too is but an executing agency – a willing executing agency. So, who is behind the WEF? Big-Big Finance. BlackRock is the largest single donor and supporter of this arguably world’s wealthiest and most criminal NGO, the WEF, located tax-free and legally protected in Geneva, Switzerland.

The power of Finance is the works of sociopaths. BlackRock is apparently negotiating with Volodymyr Zelensky the privatization of much of Ukraine. As it stands, BR owns already about 60% of Ukraine’s most fertile agricultural land.

Greed- and power-driven Big Finance has turned into a diabolical death cult, about to take over the world. First by drastically reducing the globe’s population, so Mother Earth’s generous but nevertheless limited resources will last longer for a small elite; and second, making of the survivors, 5G-driven digitally-manipulated transhuman slaves.

People’s eyes are kept shut by a tremendously corrupted Big Finance-bought Western media.

The purpose of this writing is to open eyes, and hopefully these opened eyes will open more eyes – and then more – and so on, until there is a critical mass that screams in unison “NO, NOT WITH US”, standing up in solidarity, tearing these Western cum UN institutions to shreds before they bring down our civilization.

We are indeed at a crossroads of the worst humanitarian catastrophe, worldwide destruction of the economy, engineered annihilation of agriculture, bringing about poverty, famine and eventually death. See this:

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