Where Are the Good Doctors?


by Sayer Ji, Green Med Info:

There is a widely held belief amongst patients that doctors should be solely working for the patient’s personal good health. This is a myth. Many doctors profit every time they order tests or prescribe drugs. And this profit is at the expense of their patient’s best interests. Medicine has become a money machine driven by Big Pharma. What is terrifying now is that those few doctors who are whistle blowing on the medical profession are finding themselves blown away by their medical regulators – the very people who should be standing up for patients’ rights to informed consent, bodily autonomy and medical choice.

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Here in UK the rot started during the 1980s when NHS doctors were allowed to run and own their own pharmacies. Such GPs, when treating any child with a cough or cold, often prescribed paracetamol, an antibiotic and a cough suppressant. For the child’s natural immunity this is a physiological disaster, but terrific for the partnership profits. Vaccination became another gravy train. Not only did doctors profit from each vaccine administered but they had targets with bonus payments if 90% of registrants were inoculated. A practice local to me would expel non-conforming patients from their lists in order to achieve the desired percentage, worth several thousand pounds. Now doctors are paid to collect statistics; many patients tell me that a consultation morphs into a gathering of weight, blood pressure and cholesterol data which is irrelevant to the immediate patient concerns.

I worked in the British NHS for twenty years. During this time I received a metaphorical wrist slapping because my prescribing costs were so low. I was using dietary and orthomolecular medicine to reverse high blood pressure, diabetes and fatigue syndromes. My patients wanted to know why they had symptoms and the mechanisms that caused their disease so that they could develop the necessary lifestyle, dietary, nutritional and detoxification regimes to allow the body to heal and repair and restore normal vitality. This meant that in my personal practice of medicine, drugs were increasingly irrelevant. But general practitioners were being judged on the size of their prescribing budget, not patient outcomes. Medical practice and education had been – and continues to be – completely dominated by Big Pharma. Diagnosis had become a tick-box exercise, management reduced to drug company generated algorithms and treatment amounted to symptom-suppressing, pill-popping. Doctors had become glorified pharmacists.

By the year 2000 I realized that I did not have the clinical freedoms that I needed to be a good doctor and so I moved to independent practice. Intellectually this was essential although financially this was not a cute move. What I did not appreciate at the time was the level of attack I would be subject to by the conventional medical establishment, spear-headed by General Medical Council.

The UK’s General Medical Council is not fit for purpose

Dame Janet Smith headed the Shipman Inquiry in 2003 [1] and part of her remit was to report on the role of the General Medical Council (GMC), who failed, on at least two occasions, to stop GP Harold Shipman murdering at least 250 of his patients, possibly as many as 800! She concluded that: ‘Expediency replaced principle’. [2]

Sir Liam Donaldson, the then Chief Medical Officer, echoed her concerns. He accused the Council of being ‘secretive, tolerant of sub-standard practice and dominated by the professional interest, rather than that of the patient’. [3]

When subsequently asked in 2005 to review the recommendations she made for GMC reform, Dame Janet Smith concluded: ‘The leopard has not changed its spots’. [4] I can confirm that this continues to be the case.

In 2021 Hampshire GP Dr Sam White was persecuted by the GMC over his concerns for the safety of the new corona virus vaccines. He insisted on giving his patients proper, informed consent. This meant advising them that the vaccines involved gene technology, were unproven and untested – indeed the whole vaccine roll-out turned all recipients into guinea pigs. In this respect he was following GMC ethical guidelines to the letter. He was suspended by the GMC on its usual ‘Expediency replaced principle’ ticket. He refused to follow the narrative and exercised his clinical opinion to advise his patients on the basis of biological plausibility and scientific data. He was suspended by the GMC on an ‘anti-vaccine’ agenda. He appealed this decision in the High Court – and won! Judge Dove ruled that doctors were entitled to freedom of clinical opinion and freedom of speech. [5]

Despite this ruling, Dr White is unable to get a job within the NHS on the ‘no smoke without fire’ principle. For the vast majority of doctors this loss of reputation, job and financial security spells the end to their medical careers. Doctors who do not toe the line, who do not conform with Government narratives, who do not stick to the NICE guidelines, who use their brains and act independently are at risk of losing everything. What a waste of public money! Not that the GMC cares one hoot. It has never compensated any doctor ever for wrongs done to them. Our medical lions are led by GMC donkeys.

Personal experience: 43 GMC investigations and prosecutions

I know from my personal experience that the work of the GMC continues in a haphazard, inconsistent way. I am one of the most investigated doctors in the history of the General Medical Council. GMC persecution began when I switched to working as an independent, medical doctor in 2000.

I developed a special interest in treating chronic fatigue syndrome. Indeed, I won a British Medical Association award for my book, Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalitis – it’s mitochondria not hypochondria – a name that arose from original, published, peer-reviewed research I had conducted with Dr John McLaren Howard and Professor Norman Booth of Oxford University, which clearly showed how mitochondrial dysfunction was the central, pathological lesion in patients with fatigue syndromes. [6-8]

Leaving the NHS and putting all my advice freely available online on a 600+ page website [9] triggered GMC persecution. Since 2001 the GMC has investigated me on 43 occasions involving three cancelled, Fitness to Practice hearings, seven Interim Orders Hearings and one non-compliance hearing, all of which I won. 5 prosecutions still outstanding. One reason for GMC failures was iterated by GMC QC Mr Tom Kark when he stated, ‘The problem with the Myhill cases is that all the patients are improved and all refuse to give witness statements.’

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